Message from @violetvenomkiss

Discord ID: 676903463111622686

2020-02-11 20:48:34 UTC  

sometimes theres a head teacher somewhere

2020-02-11 20:48:37 UTC  

that has some stupid ideas

2020-02-11 20:49:26 UTC  

so that thing doesnt necessarily mean the province changes into a christian shariah zone or sth

2020-02-11 20:49:32 UTC  

AND ... do u think that this clown will pass tis *joke*

>joke in the clownworld sense

2020-02-11 20:49:59 UTC  

i dont know what is this sentence supposed to mean

2020-02-11 20:50:31 UTC  

could he enforce this?

2020-02-11 20:53:42 UTC  

or they'll made an agreement (ok barbacks are banned but the rest its *ok*)

2020-02-11 20:53:57 UTC  

PD... the old 'theyre teasing me its back'
*– Nie – zapewniała nas wicedyrektor Palczak. Miała żal, że uczniowie “nakręcili” aferę, zrobili burzę w mediach, zamiast przyjść do niej i na spokojnie porozmawiać bez niepotrzebnego rozgłosu, który ogólniakowi tylko szkodzi. Wizerunek I LO mocno ucierpiał.*

2020-02-11 21:18:21 UTC  

ur opinion about this (a referendum *like ireland*

2020-02-11 21:20:10 UTC  

*Ludzie nie są głupsi od polityków, są wielokrotnie mądrzejsi*

2020-02-11 21:22:48 UTC  

and about kosniak words

2020-02-11 21:23:23 UTC  

yeah have a referendum

2020-02-11 21:23:45 UTC  

do u think that it could be winned (irish utopia/senate surprise_

2020-02-11 21:23:55 UTC  

but only after a change of the gov

2020-02-11 21:24:12 UTC  

most of poles are in favor of partner unions

2020-02-11 21:24:43 UTC  

its just a question of mobilisation

2020-02-11 21:25:05 UTC  

>Ludzie nie są głupsi od polityków, są wielokrotnie mądrzejsi
stupid words

2020-02-11 21:25:20 UTC  

he essentially calls himself stupid

2020-02-11 21:32:41 UTC  

> aaand ho do u imagine a referendum *(ao 'now')*
> * avictory (muh senate)
> * pis will moblize fre and blooooood + shekels and wrack havoc
> now... this sejm, this senate + blonska

2020-02-11 21:44:06 UTC  

it might go both ways but it would probably go in favor of unions

2020-02-11 23:53:55 UTC  

S0rry for keeep with this topic
has piss the force to ignite a wildfire at this scenario
>lgbt referendum
>muh i've shekels
>ppiss could ignite a fire

or they're tooooo weak (if they've reaaal teeeh grodzki wouldnt stay where he is)

2020-02-11 23:54:05 UTC  

pd @rogalik trump has autism

2020-02-12 01:34:27 UTC  

looks like biden is already btfod

2020-02-12 15:11:35 UTC  

BERNIE ! @PandaTanner

2020-02-12 17:42:38 UTC  

ebin tbh

2020-02-12 17:51:16 UTC  

Feel the burn

2020-02-12 17:52:24 UTC  

me and the gf on valentines

2020-02-12 19:02:52 UTC  


2020-02-12 19:03:25 UTC  

also this title made me think it was some sort of mafia thing

2020-02-12 19:24:51 UTC  


2020-02-12 19:24:54 UTC  


2020-02-12 19:26:46 UTC  


2020-02-12 19:26:54 UTC  

@rogalik it's just the authorization