Message from @Mr. Nessel

Discord ID: 690648431202533387

2020-03-20 19:39:39 UTC  

Oh yeah certainly. They can't even have manhole covers because they get sold for scrap.

2020-03-20 19:39:48 UTC  


2020-03-20 19:41:15 UTC  

It's kind of sad if you think about it, unless they have constant supervision they will always fall back to their precivilization level. They can't even maintain most of the basics.

2020-03-20 19:41:43 UTC  

But I want pretty roads in the first world first.

2020-03-20 19:42:13 UTC  

Like as you said there are so many things they could do to make their lives better even without much knowledge or money but yet here we are.

2020-03-20 19:43:14 UTC  

I don't want roads as I've already stated before but they are somewhat unavoidable like the neolithic revolution.

2020-03-20 19:43:32 UTC  

I could see some ways to at least make parts of Africa look nice
Basically fences off a place and only let people enter if they meet a certain IQ requirement

2020-03-20 19:43:42 UTC  

Then invest into infrastructure only there

2020-03-20 19:44:04 UTC  

Only viable for a tiny minority but still

2020-03-20 19:44:21 UTC  

The rest prolly would do well to adopt older technologies again

2020-03-20 19:44:22 UTC  

I would love to do something like that, the land itself has immense potential.

2020-03-20 19:44:28 UTC  

Like bring back coopers

2020-03-20 19:44:39 UTC  

Because what are 80 IQ types going to do

2020-03-20 19:45:02 UTC  

kill everyone with machetes?

2020-03-20 19:45:12 UTC  


2020-03-20 19:45:14 UTC  

Bring back slavery

2020-03-20 19:45:30 UTC  


2020-03-20 19:46:10 UTC  

Tfw bring back slavery only to be enslaved yourself after you lose to another warlord

2020-03-20 19:48:44 UTC  

Yeah whatever as long as I get a cute slave gf that would be alright. When I am talking about bringing back slavery I don't mean everyone can enslave everyone but only like dumb people who would be better off under supervision but this would lead to me being enslaved by someone being higher IQ than me which means we would all be enslaved by Jews which I don't want but we are already there so what does it matter anyway.

2020-03-20 19:50:13 UTC  

Slavery is always there where it is visible or not, okay maybe this sounds a bit too marxist.

2020-03-20 19:50:17 UTC  

Just leave half the country on subsistence farming or to be correctecd by the invisdible spirit of Malthus

2020-03-20 19:50:35 UTC  

I see the elite class in third world shitholes sort of as life support

2020-03-20 19:50:53 UTC  

Where the underclass is a parasite leeching off of them just to subsist

2020-03-20 19:51:02 UTC  

Not a healthy arrangement

2020-03-20 19:51:37 UTC  

Which is why I like the idea of fenced off cities that give 0 fucks about what happens on the outside

2020-03-20 19:52:28 UTC  

Ppl like to meme Rwanda as Africa's Singapore but that's the only realistic way you'rre going to have a Singapore on that continent

2020-03-20 19:53:11 UTC  

Unless you import foreigners which afaik tiny, tiny nonafrican minorities usually pay for an absurd proportion of the budget of African countries

2020-03-20 19:53:48 UTC  

Not just South Africa

2020-03-20 19:54:06 UTC  

In Madagascar for example it was Indians

2020-03-20 19:54:14 UTC  

Yeah indians are big in east africa

2020-03-20 19:54:42 UTC  


2020-03-20 19:54:42 UTC  

in west afrika there are Lebanese and south of course whites.

2020-03-20 19:56:21 UTC  

If you are willing to deal with those nibbas you can make a lot of money for sure. And not just mining and so on but especially retail and phone services.

2020-03-20 21:23:23 UTC  
2020-03-20 21:24:34 UTC  


2020-03-20 21:27:35 UTC  

Crowder needs to go away