Message from @Norik

Discord ID: 690228048959766646

2020-03-19 15:53:44 UTC  

If you try disciplining society too hard your head ends up detached from your neck

2020-03-19 15:54:01 UTC  

We'll need to proceed cautiously and realistically

2020-03-19 15:54:14 UTC  

It’s probably too late to stuff the genie back in the bottle, just as with feminism. It’ll take generations of natural selection for more religious families before the trend reverses

2020-03-19 15:54:19 UTC  

As well as that take any homo and globalism propaganda on TV and the like and remove it

Possibly replacing it with our own

2020-03-19 15:55:07 UTC  

That's doable relatively easily, I mean Russia does it
However executing ppl ehh

2020-03-19 15:56:19 UTC  

Russia does it but their cultural institutions aren’t run by subversives and their popular consensus is hasn’t tipped over yet

2020-03-19 15:56:27 UTC  

So it works for containment

2020-03-19 15:56:30 UTC  

To some extent

2020-03-19 15:56:43 UTC  

They’re probably where America was 20 years ago in terms of popular opinion

2020-03-19 15:56:53 UTC  

It might stir up anger

But then again it might stir up fear

That’s what discipline is all about, make the people afraid to do such actions lest the consequences befall them

2020-03-19 15:57:08 UTC  

It’s hard to say how well it can work in a place like America or the UK where this shit has penetrated so deeply into the public psyche

2020-03-19 15:58:33 UTC  

@Norik With enough time, every one can come around

Look at how fast Liberalism spread during the 60s, from the youth rebellion movement to what we have now

2020-03-19 15:58:38 UTC  

Executions are way too drastic imo
I think of them as something of a last resort
Hell I don't even think of gays as evil just corrosive to society

2020-03-19 15:58:53 UTC  

I want them out of the public mind and driven back to the fringes

2020-03-19 15:58:57 UTC  

I’m not saying we execute everyone

2020-03-19 15:59:06 UTC  

Obviously other punishments need to happen

2020-03-19 15:59:10 UTC  

Such as exile

2020-03-19 15:59:22 UTC  

Yeah I mean it probably wouldn’t even be a big deal if it wasn’t for immigration

2020-03-19 15:59:31 UTC  

But at the same time we should not take shit like that lightly

2020-03-19 15:59:41 UTC  

Non-reproductive fads go away after a generation or two

2020-03-19 15:59:50 UTC  

So it might even be a good idea to let it play out

2020-03-19 15:59:53 UTC  

Gayness isn't just a fad

2020-03-19 16:00:01 UTC  

You're definitely able to reduce it

2020-03-19 16:00:04 UTC  

Or it would if it wasn’t for demographic replacement

2020-03-19 16:00:06 UTC  

@Norik They’re going to be aiming for children next

2020-03-19 16:00:13 UTC  

But you're not getting rid of it

2020-03-19 16:00:39 UTC  

||implying they haven’t been for an entire generation already ||

2020-03-19 16:01:04 UTC  

What I mean is, eventually, if they keep pushing but for the grace of God

They might get it

2020-03-19 16:01:11 UTC  

Especially in more Liberal states

2020-03-19 16:01:26 UTC  

This is what you need to understand about these people

2020-03-19 16:01:35 UTC  

Give an inch, *they will take a mile*

2020-03-19 16:03:41 UTC  

If the slippery slope is real, I want to cut off that slope before it can get down further

2020-03-19 16:04:26 UTC  

I mean yes don’t get me wrong

2020-03-19 16:04:50 UTC  

Just saying there’s an inescapable demographic reality in terms of public opinion

2020-03-19 16:05:04 UTC  

Even republicans are loosening up on this shit

2020-03-19 16:10:38 UTC  

get back in the closet

2020-03-19 16:12:43 UTC  

^and I mostly mean this

2020-03-19 16:13:17 UTC  

You’re not gonna get gays who’ve lived as practicing gays for years to suddenly course-correct

2020-03-19 16:13:33 UTC  

Not a significant amount anyway

2020-03-19 16:14:07 UTC  

And I wouldn’t expect many self-respecting women to marry a man who’s been fucked in the ass for ten years

2020-03-19 16:15:08 UTC  

The time to act was fifteen years ago