Message from @Salvation_Crucifix

Discord ID: 696402615751147672

2020-04-04 23:57:04 UTC

2020-04-04 23:57:09 UTC  


2020-04-05 00:49:19 UTC  

I literally eat cassette tapes

2020-04-05 00:58:38 UTC

2020-04-05 01:17:04 UTC

2020-04-05 01:20:19 UTC  


2020-04-05 01:20:27 UTC  

Have to disavow

2020-04-05 01:22:31 UTC

2020-04-05 03:09:53 UTC  

Is it time for social shaming?

2020-04-05 05:04:40 UTC  

bro how do you have rules without rulers where might makes right is not the rule of the jungle lmao

2020-04-05 05:20:45 UTC  

> Might Makes Right bad
> Voluntarily solve problems without hierarchical authority”

2020-04-05 05:22:21 UTC  

Anarchism is when your Labor Union becomes a state but you don't call it a state as you put all of the Non-Anarchist in the Anarchist Work Camp guarded by your Anarchist Police Force.

2020-04-05 08:53:08 UTC

2020-04-05 10:49:54 UTC

2020-04-05 11:33:40 UTC

2020-04-05 16:54:17 UTC  

Wouldn’t you need violence inevitably to keep your anarchist state

2020-04-05 16:54:36 UTC  

This is the problem with the theory, it relies totally on everyone being on the same basis and is downright utopian

2020-04-05 16:55:22 UTC  

What’s to stop people who don’t like the lawlessness and chaos of a free society and want order back, to form their own state?

2020-04-05 16:56:20 UTC  

revolutionary catalonia was the closes thing you can get to a anarchist state

2020-04-05 16:56:30 UTC  

and it ended up as a giant meme

2020-04-05 16:56:44 UTC  

it was completly dysfunctional

2020-04-05 16:57:16 UTC  

it was just revolutionry groups fighting eachother for not being revolutionary enough

2020-04-05 16:57:21 UTC

2020-04-05 16:57:34 UTC  


2020-04-05 16:59:45 UTC  

But seriously, I don’t think I’ve seen an anarchist answer that question: “what if an individual’s desire is to reform a government/state?”

I’m honestly curious about what their response will be aside from: “well hurr durr they’re a bootlicker, etc etc”

2020-04-05 17:05:53 UTC  

The closest thing to an answer I can think of I ever heard is that they would not want that because no one sane would.

2020-04-05 17:06:07 UTC  


2020-04-05 17:08:00 UTC  

No joke. They honestly believe any form of will towards of organized government is nothing short of mental illness.

2020-04-05 17:24:13 UTC  

that would mean the mentally ill vastly outnumber the mentally fit throughout the entirety of human history

2020-04-05 17:54:48 UTC

2020-04-05 21:53:35 UTC

2020-04-05 21:53:49 UTC  


2020-04-05 21:54:24 UTC  

This isn't a meme, this is brain damage.

2020-04-05 21:54:28 UTC  

Please, get some help.

2020-04-05 21:56:14 UTC  

It’s an experiment I’m doing to see if I can cause brain hemorrhages over the internet