Message from @Galahad

Discord ID: 702543237323161641

2020-04-22 15:25:49 UTC  

Fuentes isn't serious enough to be effective and he's essentially cordoned off from normies now

2020-04-22 15:26:05 UTC  

That is what he’s doing

2020-04-22 15:26:05 UTC  

Only people who have already heard of him would bother watching his stuff now

2020-04-22 15:26:18 UTC  

Sure doesn’t seem like it from what I read

2020-04-22 15:27:05 UTC  

Being friendly with MAGA doesn't work imo
You're not going to change this in a grassroots way

2020-04-22 15:27:32 UTC  

Focus should be on building up opposition outside the current party system

2020-04-22 15:27:44 UTC  

Fuentes and AF is a positive subversive force against the Neocon's Network

2020-04-22 15:27:55 UTC  


2020-04-22 15:27:58 UTC  

America is in a bad spot because FPTP and the two party system make it harder to not pick a side

2020-04-22 15:28:06 UTC  

We all wish

2020-04-22 15:28:43 UTC  

@Mr. Nessel So we need to eliminate that system

2020-04-22 15:28:49 UTC  

Not perpetuate it

2020-04-22 15:30:19 UTC  

I know you posted that video earlier in jest, but it describes you perfectly. Whenever I see Fuentes get mentioned on this server you’re always there to offer your opinion on him

2020-04-22 15:30:42 UTC  

I’ve despised the man for a long time now

2020-04-22 15:31:30 UTC  


2020-04-22 15:31:31 UTC  

I thought he was what we needed at first, I cheered just as everyone else did as he took on Kirk and TPUSA

2020-04-22 15:31:50 UTC  

But the catboy shit and Nick’s arrogance made me do a 180

2020-04-22 15:35:11 UTC  

I wouldn’t say 180, but the catboy incident has thrown doubt on Fuentes' character. I’m not prepared to through him under bus because, for better or for worse, he’s done more for the dissident right than anybody has in recent memory.

2020-04-22 15:35:19 UTC  

to offer my 2 cents i dont really hate him but his fanclub really has to stop pretending he's good at optics

2020-04-22 15:35:49 UTC  

I don’t hate him to the point of being on Kirk’s good side or anything

2020-04-22 15:36:00 UTC  

i guess im indifferent

2020-04-22 15:36:23 UTC  

But I don’t think he should be leader of the Groypers

Give it to someone who’s more mature, someone’s who good at optics, and someone who doesn’t let his desires run away with him

2020-04-22 15:36:28 UTC  

the funny thing is got a bit into being his fanboy right before the whole groyper war thing kicked off, and then the drama happened afterwards

2020-04-22 15:36:48 UTC  

so it went from a big apex to a low point

2020-04-22 15:37:20 UTC  

also the cookie stuff doesnt bother me on a personal level its just not good optics

2020-04-22 15:37:29 UTC  

> But I don’t think he should be leader of the Groypers
Bruh he literally popularized the term

2020-04-22 15:38:12 UTC  

Besides he’s not uniting the dissident right

If anything he’s causing a divide

Godwinson, James Allsup, even JF, if you count his meddling, all of these people have cited discomfort with how the man conducts himself

2020-04-22 15:39:19 UTC  

I agree that arrogance and pride will be his undoing

2020-04-22 15:39:35 UTC  

it feels like a mini spencer situation

2020-04-22 15:39:38 UTC  

And I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more prominent figures that have distanced themselves

2020-04-22 15:39:42 UTC  

> Godwinson
From what I have seen his first youtube vids was him slandering Nick calling him a Fed

2020-04-22 15:39:45 UTC  

@Galahad It’s exactly that

2020-04-22 15:39:49 UTC  

I appreciate with how he's used his gifts

2020-04-22 15:39:56 UTC  

He feels like Richard Spencer

2020-04-22 15:40:19 UTC  

A fed, trying his best, whether he knows it or not, to discredit our movement and have it be associated with something it’s not

2020-04-22 15:40:38 UTC  

i got into dissident right stuff after cville

2020-04-22 15:40:57 UTC  

but good god looking in retrospect that was the biggest fucking mistake of the last 2 decades

2020-04-22 15:41:32 UTC  

paranoia is a hell of a drug

2020-04-22 15:41:42 UTC  

hard not to at least suspect spence of being a spook after the obvious signs of it being a police trap

2020-04-22 15:42:09 UTC  

it feels like a lot of these people dont start as feds but then become feds to avoid jailtime and such

2020-04-22 15:42:21 UTC  

like matt heimbach, now a communist anti-hate leader