Message from @vexmasina44

Discord ID: 688856963542417454

2020-03-13 12:25:07 UTC  

How long such couchy situation for them in the kingdom lasts? That is another question.

2020-03-13 12:45:46 UTC  

There had been a current of German nationalistic jews for a while prior
Might've become a monarchist after the war, who know?

2020-03-13 12:46:24 UTC  
2020-03-13 12:47:00 UTC  

lmao this dude's glasses

2020-03-13 12:47:29 UTC  

He developed the process needed to make nitrogen out of air

2020-03-13 12:47:42 UTC  

Which lead to fertilizer and chemical weapons

2020-03-13 12:48:19 UTC  


2020-03-13 12:48:35 UTC  

without it germany would have lost ww1 even sooner

2020-03-13 12:48:58 UTC  

the entete had massive supplies of guano for gunpowder

2020-03-13 12:57:09 UTC  

I’ve mentioned Haber before

2020-03-13 12:57:59 UTC  

He was also responsible for Germany’s chemical weapons, both the idea and their manufacture

2020-03-13 14:01:08 UTC  

> If it was pragmatic move it was well thought out. Yidds usually fair well and are relatively safe (at least to the point) in society rulled by the monarchs as shown by history.
@Korin Dickman what about the hundreds of times they were kicked out of countries ruled by monarchs over the course of the last 2000 years

2020-03-13 14:01:25 UTC  

i do not know where you got that idea from

2020-03-13 14:04:34 UTC  

but a number of these nationalistic yews wanted to essentialy dissolve into the german people, and combined with the death of god and thus their religion this would have solved any intergroup conflict

2020-03-13 14:31:30 UTC  

@Fighting Gold that's why I mentioned they had it good under the monarchy TO A POINT. It isn't a secret that monarchies/local governors employed Jews for tasks like tax collecting and other jobs that would require the employee to be detached from the folk that is "target" of his duties.

2020-03-13 14:39:17 UTC  

It's the cycle that they go through. They come in, get mentioned jobs(their niche), they gain wealth and positions, they start to act out, they get kicked. Rinse and repeat.

2020-03-15 15:48:44 UTC  

((((merhcant republic)))) strikes again

2020-03-15 20:55:11 UTC  

>against catholic city
>by Catholic crusaders

2020-03-15 20:56:31 UTC  

πŸ“ž hello Am I talking to E. Micheal Jones?

2020-03-15 21:11:38 UTC  

@Imperial J. Yay remember this is venice
we should have destroyed them when we had the chance

2020-03-15 21:12:30 UTC  

venice compeltly maniputalted the crusaders into achieveing its geopolitical goals

2020-03-15 21:13:56 UTC  

I wonder who the Venetian ruling elite was composed of

2020-03-15 21:16:24 UTC  

@Imperial J. Yay
their gender is ((((((they))))) ((((them)))))

2020-03-15 21:16:41 UTC  

of course

2020-03-15 21:16:48 UTC  

every fucking time

2020-03-15 21:17:01 UTC  


2020-03-15 21:17:06 UTC  

it's not 109

2020-03-15 21:17:15 UTC  

it's over a fucking thousand

2020-03-15 21:17:39 UTC  

109 what

2020-03-15 21:18:02 UTC  


2020-03-15 21:18:14 UTC  


2020-03-15 21:18:16 UTC  


2020-03-15 21:23:38 UTC  

Today is the 2064 year anniversary of Julius Caesar’s death

2020-03-15 21:23:58 UTC  

based ceaser

2020-03-15 21:24:21 UTC  

for not giving a fuck about the republic's laws

2020-03-15 21:24:46 UTC  

Caesar did nothing wrong

2020-03-15 21:25:37 UTC  

Well maybe you should read some history books on Rome

2020-03-15 21:26:02 UTC  

Caesar was arguably one of the greatest men who have ever lived