Message from @vexmasina44

Discord ID: 693131970149875742

2020-03-27 15:15:08 UTC  

Germans are very heterogeneous phenotypically

2020-03-27 15:15:12 UTC  

Also true to some extent

2020-03-27 15:15:29 UTC  

But they do cluster together genotypically

2020-03-27 15:15:50 UTC  

But yes that was kind of my point

2020-03-27 15:15:56 UTC  

Well yes because unironically Germany is a melting pot of European types

2020-03-27 15:16:15 UTC  

Pretending like countries or even nations are sharply divided along genetic lines is kind of silly

2020-03-27 15:16:32 UTC  

In reality itโ€™s more like a racial continuum

2020-03-27 15:16:36 UTC  

I wouldn't go that far

2020-03-27 15:16:51 UTC  

Well with the caveat that theyโ€™re all white

2020-03-27 15:17:00 UTC  


2020-03-27 15:17:10 UTC  

And there obviously are significant enough differences that nations arose to begin with

2020-03-27 15:17:26 UTC  

My point is thereโ€™s no sharp dividing line between France and Germany

2020-03-27 15:17:31 UTC  

Or England and Scotland

2020-03-27 15:17:33 UTC  


2020-03-27 15:17:56 UTC  

Yeah Germany is more of a culture and language thing

2020-03-27 15:18:46 UTC  

I view it sort of as a white foundation upon which houses like Germany etc. are built

2020-03-27 15:51:22 UTC  

Also I would divide Baltics from Slavs. We are closely related but Balts are still their own thing.

2020-03-27 15:54:30 UTC  

@Korin Dickman I think this is a future map of europe
by then baltics will be majority slavic ๐Ÿ˜

2020-03-27 16:16:22 UTC  

also divide balkan-slavs to least slavic and more balkanic

2020-03-27 16:16:58 UTC  


2020-03-27 16:18:59 UTC  

albanians are not even human

2020-03-27 16:19:11 UTC  

like unironically they are human waste

2020-03-27 16:19:46 UTC  


2020-03-27 16:20:43 UTC  

barely human
they require severe beating and forcefull conversion to become human

2020-03-27 16:21:07 UTC  


2020-03-27 16:21:18 UTC  

European muslims.

2020-03-27 16:21:29 UTC  

Converted just to get gibs from the Turkish goverment.

2020-03-27 16:59:53 UTC  

More complicated than that
Bosnians converted in large part because they were despised by both the orthodox and catholic church so becoming muslim is how they gave both of them the middle finger

2020-03-27 17:00:02 UTC  

It's pretty tragic tbh

2020-03-27 17:03:26 UTC  

Oh i know, most of the tribes around the Bosnians hated them because they were known for raiding. The Catholic church tried to regin them in and failed. (Tbh they only aceapted te catholic church because it was a means to protect themselves from the tribes and nation's around them looking at there land). Even before hand the Bosnians never really aceapted Catholic authority in the land.

2020-03-27 17:04:20 UTC  

Themselves were amore akin to loose christanity and many still practied Pagan worship. Also a majoirty of Bosnians at the time practied the Bogomilian Hersey which resembled Islam more than that of Christanity.

2020-03-27 17:07:22 UTC  

Back to the loose Christanity part, the churchs weren't even united on the teachings of Christ. When the Turks came Bosnians were in a perpetual state of war agaisnt the Serbs and nations surronding them. The Turk's promised Secuirty and properity in exchange for there conversion to Islam.

2020-03-27 17:10:18 UTC  

So the offer was aceapted and many served within the Turkish Armies heading north against Hungry. The reason why the are reviled in europe is because they beytrayed there Cultral kin and gave into the invaders from the south. Before hand they were respected as Brethern by the Slav's in the south. But when they sided with Invaders they were essentially dissavowed.

2020-03-27 17:30:08 UTC  

But the Situation is even more complecated then that, and i have only diped a toe into the water's.

2020-03-27 17:30:31 UTC  

But overall history of the different people's of europe is facsentating.

@Norik I agree with your points, the map is supposed to be cultural and genetic, so I choose language subfamilies because are the best predictors for both.

2020-03-27 22:37:38 UTC  

yeah I'm saying that's a reductionist assumption

2020-03-27 22:37:46 UTC  

dangerously reductionist, even

2020-03-27 22:38:02 UTC  

considering the need for european unity at times like these

Anyway thanks for the feedback, from all of you, I will take it in consideration when I rework the map.