Message from @Skellington

Discord ID: 676563110970261504

2020-02-10 22:49:02 UTC  

I love the idea of having a homeland of my own, but I can't really say I feel like Canada as it exists today is my homeland. I don't feel connected to it in any real sense. I lived the first 24 years of my life in a globalized progressive city which could have existed anywhere on earth. And the reality is that Canada as it existed prior to 1965 will cease to exist (if it hasn't already). But I'm not black pilled. Rather than lament something that's gone, I want to be part of creating something new that will exist into the future.

2020-02-10 22:50:08 UTC  

Actual nationalism as movement (even of pety variety) doesn't exist in Poland. It's one half of civ nats and other neocons.

2020-02-10 22:50:13 UTC  

Just saying

2020-02-10 22:51:20 UTC  

That's a pretty good way of going about life

2020-02-10 22:51:38 UTC  

Yeah Poland seems like it's just a few years behind but on the same trajectory as the rest

2020-02-10 22:51:47 UTC  


2020-02-10 22:52:19 UTC  

@Charlemagne white flight to the moon my dude. soon we will have the power

2020-02-10 22:52:40 UTC  

Current ruling party is nothing more then CDU that actually can act the conservative bit.

2020-02-10 22:52:48 UTC  

The German chancellor in the 90s (smae party as Merkel and actually her mentor) at some point suggested reducing the number of Turks in Germany by 50%

2020-02-10 22:53:40 UTC  

Also Orban and Salvini are not as based as many people think

2020-02-10 22:53:59 UTC  

They're very much fans of a certain tribal state

2020-02-10 22:54:44 UTC  

@Mr. Nessel as all civ nats and cons

2020-02-10 22:55:25 UTC  

I think I am feeling down today because I've been self quarantined for like a week not going outside and the first time info anywhere again it's just the same old shit.

2020-02-10 22:55:55 UTC  

@Charlemagne you are sick?

2020-02-10 22:56:11 UTC  

Not anymore

2020-02-10 22:56:36 UTC  

i dont really want to move to europe

2020-02-10 22:57:56 UTC  

culture shock plus i think the U.S has way better precedents for religious liberty and home schooling than europe

2020-02-10 22:58:08 UTC  

also im American

2020-02-10 22:59:40 UTC  

i live in the midwest

2020-02-10 22:59:43 UTC  

i like it enough

2020-02-10 23:00:15 UTC  

i imagine urbanites would feel more alienated because of the diversity and the concrete jungle

2020-02-10 23:01:14 UTC  

Yes urban areas are a cancer wherever I've been

2020-02-10 23:01:52 UTC  

Not too large city where I am but it's still pretty bad

2020-02-10 23:02:00 UTC  

It's amazing that there can be so much stuff and people around you and so little of interest

2020-02-10 23:02:01 UTC  

Closeness to Hamburg makes things worse

2020-02-10 23:02:15 UTC

2020-02-10 23:02:18 UTC

2020-02-10 23:02:27 UTC  

No u

2020-02-10 23:02:46 UTC  

but the thing is im taking computer science

2020-02-10 23:03:01 UTC  

ill probably have to move to some city center eventually

2020-02-10 23:03:08 UTC  

@Larry Petty nationalism stupid and naive. A lot of times, its actually facilitated by the elites. Like Scottish "nationalism" which is really just about bringing Scotland back under EU control. Pan European solidarity is the ONLY way. That is where the battle lines have been drawn. The enemies don't care about Polish, German, or Irish heritage. They want to destroy all of them because they are Europeans. No country (especially not smaller ones like Hungary or Poland) can go at it alone. The truth is that our world is globalized. That doesn't mean we need to accept the program that is being pushed, but it does mean that success for us will probably be a different kind of globalization. For example, I'm Canadian, but only about 6% of people who watch my content are too. We can, and should try to preserve separate European ethnic identities (where it is possible), but we have to understand that represents the wider context of European civilization will be the future.

2020-02-10 23:03:15 UTC  

which gives me conniptions

2020-02-10 23:04:21 UTC  


2020-02-10 23:04:25 UTC  

morgoth did a video about it

2020-02-10 23:05:20 UTC  

I don't really agree with Morgoth on this one, I think the British are pretty distinct from Europe and should be politically separate.

2020-02-10 23:05:25 UTC  

but the sentiment behind brexit is promising

2020-02-10 23:05:37 UTC  

even if the the political implementation hardly changes anything

2020-02-10 23:06:02 UTC  

I'm thinking Brexit probably was a mistake and misidentifies the source of issues

2020-02-10 23:06:11 UTC  

also it serves the utility of making leftists think they live in a "fascist racist place" which makes them more deranged

2020-02-10 23:06:32 UTC  

What happens if you break the EU into pieces is that you have a bunch of thoroughly rotten pieces

2020-02-10 23:06:42 UTC  

It's not an act of creative destruction