Message from @Skellington

Discord ID: 677270925095337989

2020-02-12 21:47:50 UTC  

@Endeavour Oh, what about 50 year old WN 1.0 people calling you a cuck for being christian and not an esoteric hitlerist?

2020-02-12 21:47:56 UTC  

@Charlemagne Want a perfect example

2020-02-12 21:48:04 UTC  

it is very annoying to people that are trying to actually do something useful

2020-02-12 21:48:07 UTC  

@NeoFuturist Agree. I'm woke to it, but the obsession some have with it is unhealthy.

2020-02-12 21:48:09 UTC  

when JF and Spencer were blasting Casey for his optics

2020-02-12 21:48:27 UTC  

Patrick Casey has done more for the normalizaton of the dissident right than Spencer ever could

2020-02-12 21:48:52 UTC  

It is root of lots of problems so I can see why people get obsessed with it.

2020-02-12 21:49:08 UTC  

@Korin Dickman please change your pfp

2020-02-12 21:49:16 UTC  


2020-02-12 21:49:23 UTC  

i dont want to see pepes ass

2020-02-12 21:49:39 UTC  

We are not doing hazmats anymore?

2020-02-12 21:49:46 UTC  

i dont care

2020-02-12 21:50:24 UTC  

its been annoying me for a few weeks

2020-02-12 21:50:47 UTC  

@NeoFuturist Its not actually

2020-02-12 21:50:53 UTC  

its usually older working class men

2020-02-12 21:51:00 UTC  

Spencer ruined his own life and now wants us to fail. People like Casey or Fuentes succeeding hurts his ego.

2020-02-12 21:51:08 UTC  

actually it's usually just edgelords

2020-02-12 21:51:25 UTC  

@Endeavour the biggest question is how do we adress JQ without being called natsocs, it seems no matter what we do and whenever we ask question or make statements against jews we are called nazis. this literally the oldest trick in the book and we cant counter it.I am still wondering how can we spread facts about how jews in hollywood spread degeracy and immorality or how jewish actors are sexual predators and pedofiles or how jewish NGO's fund open borders activists or how whenever some country bans circumsision the jews throw a hissy fit and autisticly screeching.
they are a protected class. and its infuriating

2020-02-12 21:52:07 UTC  

perhaps only brining it up when progs bring up white privlege or whatever for being disproportionally rich or privleged or whatever

2020-02-12 21:52:46 UTC  

just point out that under their logic

2020-02-12 21:52:51 UTC  

Jews have Jewish privileges'

2020-02-12 21:53:34 UTC  

@Skellington Dudue, there are black israelites that actually attacked jewish rabbis. they are openly anti semitic and how does AIPAC and SPLC react
they blame it on white supremacy. these people are either derraged
or are spitefull against europeans

2020-02-12 21:53:42 UTC  


2020-02-12 21:53:45 UTC  

and thats a plus for us

2020-02-12 21:54:24 UTC  

@Skellington example of NS art. I'm going to change the pfp now.

2020-02-12 21:54:38 UTC  

Thats gay

2020-02-12 21:54:39 UTC  

thats nice

2020-02-12 21:54:44 UTC  

Lol jk

2020-02-12 21:54:49 UTC  

females should keep their heads covered

2020-02-12 21:55:13 UTC  

You want to redpill Lolberts on fascism?

2020-02-12 21:55:42 UTC  

Fascism is not a monolithic thing

2020-02-12 21:56:00 UTC  

Its not even necessarily the best thing

2020-02-12 21:56:16 UTC  

But most antifascists haven’t heard of this guy

2020-02-12 21:56:26 UTC  

Or the two iberian dictators

2020-02-12 21:56:47 UTC  

Or heck, even Mussolini, if they’re really dumb

2020-02-12 21:56:48 UTC  

@vexmasina44 It's not easy. It seems to be effective to just point out that the people pushing things like white privilege or transgenderism are Jewish and leave it at that. That will get you labelled "anti-semetic", but you can just say you are pointing out facts. Also pointing out the disproportionate power they hold while accusing us of being "privileged" exposes their hypocrisy. I think in the future, we're going to have to say that WWII is irrelevant and that they are using the Holocaust to justify evil today.

2020-02-12 21:57:06 UTC  

instead of holocaust denial

2020-02-12 21:57:10 UTC  

focus on south africa

2020-02-12 21:57:13 UTC  

more relevant

2020-02-12 21:57:24 UTC  

and not as much stigma

2020-02-12 21:57:29 UTC  

Or, focus on Rhodesia. Lmao jk but the memes are good