Message from @vexmasina44

Discord ID: 685631900571664408

2020-03-06 23:29:26 UTC  

he is full accelarionist and is voting for the BLF

2020-03-06 23:29:47 UTC  

he also said he is completly off the grid as of now

2020-03-06 23:30:11 UTC  

Is he Insane!.

2020-03-06 23:30:15 UTC  

there is no political solution in South africa
its as bad as it gets

2020-03-06 23:30:31 UTC  

Why on earth would he vote for the Bantu.

2020-03-06 23:30:34 UTC  

there is a civnat party
but they are basic bitch liberals

2020-03-06 23:30:52 UTC  


2020-03-06 23:31:12 UTC  

But voting for the Bantu, he may as well be accountable for the death's of the farmers.

2020-03-06 23:32:24 UTC  

How do you get enough of the public to wake up other than using pain?

2020-03-06 23:32:39 UTC  

he understands
he is heavily armed and so all all the south african farmers
he described the mood of whites as:
just waiting for shit to hit the fan
the black economcs brough south african economy to its knees
by fireing all the competent white and black people and hireing loyalist but dumb blacks

2020-03-06 23:32:58 UTC  

there is no coming back

2020-03-06 23:33:11 UTC  

Again understandable.

2020-03-06 23:33:59 UTC  

From the way he described it is that its the same as in venezuela
but tehre are no foreign states agitating south africa like in venezuela

2020-03-06 23:34:25 UTC  

But this news is old, with the different states within SA there are bound infractions and unrest within the states that are losely connected to SA.

2020-03-06 23:34:27 UTC  

just blacks enacting their vengance upon native afrikaaner

2020-03-06 23:35:06 UTC  

You know the situation is bad when the Zulu Aristorcrat class is stating that "SA was better under aparteid".

2020-03-06 23:35:15 UTC  

well exactly

2020-03-06 23:35:25 UTC  

what did you expect from communist blacks

2020-03-06 23:35:49 UTC  

in all probability

2020-03-06 23:36:04 UTC  

he says south africa is less than a decade from imploding

2020-03-06 23:36:23 UTC  

perhaps in 5 years

2020-03-06 23:36:31 UTC  

Mhm, not only that the many states that used to exist within SA are starting to reawaken.

2020-03-06 23:37:02 UTC  

Is that the stuff about how there was a black minority being slaughtered en masse when the boers got there and stopped it?

2020-03-06 23:37:45 UTC  


2020-03-06 23:38:04 UTC  

Many mixed with white's and thus created a hybird race of people.

2020-03-06 23:38:37 UTC  

Which lead to the creation of a mixed race state that was bassically based upon a European model of Localization and Feudalism.

2020-03-06 23:40:06 UTC  

So, Imagin the southern states but with compact groups of mixed race people who are surronded by Bantu groups that wish for the complete and utter annilation.

2020-03-06 23:40:37 UTC  

These bugger's are hardy and given the chance are on par with some of the best warriors the Boers have to muster.

2020-03-06 23:42:35 UTC  

thats assuming a peacefull diplomatic solution

2020-03-06 23:42:45 UTC  

what is most likely to happen is african yugoslavia

2020-03-06 23:42:51 UTC  

@EYEFORKNOWLEDGE156 im finishing hypernormalization and its getting kind of shit libby

2020-03-06 23:43:10 UTC  

@Skellington oh you watched it

2020-03-06 23:43:19 UTC  

@vexmasina44 Maybe, the UN these day's would involve themselves on the side of the Bantu.

2020-03-06 23:43:29 UTC  

@Skellington Yeah the end is goofy

2020-03-06 23:43:31 UTC  

ive almost finished it

2020-03-06 23:43:34 UTC  

Like the Serb's we will be forced to fight agaisnt our kin.

2020-03-06 23:43:40 UTC  

whites will no longer even trust blacks and they will deport them en masse from their new state
also white afrikaaner will most likely seek to keep the coastal cities and isolate the blacks to the north of the country

2020-03-06 23:43:42 UTC  

oh god

2020-03-06 23:44:09 UTC  

this is so embarrassing

2020-03-06 23:44:15 UTC  


2020-03-06 23:44:27 UTC  

just the ending