Message from @Mr. Nessel

Discord ID: 698563701615099965

2020-04-11 06:52:04 UTC  


2020-04-11 08:22:47 UTC  

*Despoiler* is a book? I thought it was more of an essay

2020-04-11 08:36:28 UTC  

Part of a chapter of a larger book to be

2020-04-11 08:37:49 UTC  

was around 15 pages

2020-04-11 08:39:28 UTC  


2020-04-11 08:43:14 UTC  


2020-04-11 13:52:25 UTC  


2020-04-11 15:14:59 UTC  

So dudes, I have a question I want to record answers for for my latest video on statecraft: **What is our end goal?** (Serious answers only)

2020-04-11 15:21:49 UTC  

Well imo the formation of a white majority and possible ethnostate that we can keep and hold. Preferably the halting of immigration, and the deportation of low iq, ghetto African Americans (among others) back to their homelands.

2020-04-11 15:22:22 UTC  

In America, to overcome the crisis of international homogenization and create a culture that believes in itself and will transmit itself into the future.

2020-04-11 15:24:58 UTC  

@Salvation_Crucifix i am not sure you can fit all the afro americans in Liberia. or if you could there will be a mass famine.

2020-04-11 15:39:57 UTC  

The survival and preservation of chrridtisn culture and morals for our nation and people

2020-04-11 15:45:24 UTC  

in europe itt would be to elect reactionary politicans and curtail the power of EU. perhaps even abandoning euro in one or more countires in favour of national currencies.bulding fortifed borders and increasing th native birthrates. deporations of arabs and muslims, or taxing them heavily to incentivze them to leave.

2020-04-11 15:55:25 UTC  

Breaking up the EU would actually make the individual countries more susceptible to foreign influence, free trade etc.
I doubt Britain will be better off outside even in the long run
If you geneuinely wanted to break out of global system you'd need some viable scale or would end up creating maybe a few nationalist pariah states

2020-04-11 15:55:52 UTC  

We need a relatively autarkic customs block for trade at the very least

2020-04-11 15:57:47 UTC  

When it comes to currencies having everyone go back to their own would likely create a race to the bottom where they constantly devalue their currency to remain marginally competitive with exports and continually nuke their savings.

2020-04-11 16:00:20 UTC  

Not to mention what would happen with the currencies of well off nations. Their currencies would immediately become much more valuable than the Euro which would make it much much easier to import stuff, which would fuck industry and lead to foreign influence seeping in

2020-04-11 16:01:19 UTC  

Without the EU the relationship to America would also become much more important dragging countries part of Nato into whatever foreign war Washington cooks up next

2020-04-11 16:02:45 UTC  

We should recognize that the EU is just a sort of half baked government which makes it possible to purge the leadership like in any other country through elections

2020-04-11 16:03:20 UTC  

what foreign inluences Nessel
what are talking about
NATO already controls the entire continent wih exception belarus,ukraine and moldova and bosnia
china and america already have their fingers of the pie in Eu and non Eu countries
literally nothing would change in regards to foreign influences

2020-04-11 16:03:47 UTC  

You can always make it worse

2020-04-11 16:04:05 UTC  

Nato exists on paper but under Trump there's functionally a schism

2020-04-11 16:04:24 UTC  

Because EU members have stopped giving a shit

2020-04-11 16:04:36 UTC  

Free trade can get worse

2020-04-11 16:04:52 UTC  

As can China's influence if we make it easier for them to export shit

2020-04-11 16:05:19 UTC  

you grmans gave greece credit and money with expectiation that they wouldnt waste it on vanity projects
then 2008 happned and in 3 years they were bankrupt
and then they were forced to sell their ports and infrastructure BECAUSE you and the EU made them bankrupt.

2020-04-11 16:05:47 UTC  

the chinese own the largest greek port
because you imposed austerity on them

2020-04-11 16:05:54 UTC  

That's really the fault of the Greeks and not the EU

2020-04-11 16:05:58 UTC  

We bailed them out

2020-04-11 16:06:07 UTC  

And not just us Germans

2020-04-11 16:06:12 UTC  

The Eu accepted them knowing that they were not fit to be part of EU

2020-04-11 16:06:40 UTC  

The Greeks lied about fullfilling the requirements and didn't need to get a shitload of debt

2020-04-11 16:07:05 UTC  

If it hadn't been us they'd have gotten the loans from China instead

2020-04-11 16:07:23 UTC  

You can't expect left wing populist governments to be responsible in spending

2020-04-11 16:07:40 UTC  

you were too busy asking yourself whther could we accept greece
rather than should we

2020-04-11 16:07:49 UTC  

That being said I support debt forgiveness

2020-04-11 16:08:26 UTC  

And there should be measures taken to kick China out

2020-04-11 16:08:35 UTC  

Not just from ports etc.

2020-04-11 16:08:42 UTC  

Private shares etc. too