Message from @DisCrypto

Discord ID: 679561163503042620

but they will still destroy the coherency of a more advanced society if you let them in

2020-02-19 05:19:18 UTC  

If you let too many in, definitely that can cause issues.

2020-02-19 05:19:30 UTC  

Maybe it's a grass is always greener thing, I am biased from having to live in or near majority black areas and I am tired of it

even if the blacks are a moral people, having moral blacks in a white society will still destroy the integrity of the society because, in nature, there is no such thing as multiculturalism

2020-02-19 05:20:24 UTC  

Big bunches of different cultures/ethnicities being bunched together in the same area with little to no overlapping values/culture is a recipe for disaster

2020-02-19 05:24:15 UTC  

Which is why I'd advocate for something like a modernized version of the old Israelite Confederacy. The different groups could agree to not kill each other and maintain their own private borders, with God as the central authority.

just send the blacks and browns back to their own countries then you wont have to worry about it

2020-02-19 05:26:34 UTC  

Probably neither is realistic at this point

2020-02-19 05:26:40 UTC  

That's sorta what this is, except we get the benefit of mutual protection, or at least not killing each other in warfare - as well as spiritual benefits of Christian harmony.

2020-02-19 05:27:03 UTC  

Think HRE with a couple african states

i dont even want to see a black/brown person

2020-02-19 05:29:31 UTC  

Then stay out of the african districts, and you're good

2020-02-19 05:30:13 UTC  

Da Pope wuz a gud boy, He dindu nuffin

2020-02-19 05:31:41 UTC  

I'm joking, I'm not Catholic

2020-02-19 05:32:05 UTC  

Christian tho

u on the wikipedias crypto

2020-02-19 05:33:18 UTC  

not by choice

2020-02-19 05:33:27 UTC  

in fact...

u strapped down with your eyelids pinned open

2020-02-19 05:34:44 UTC  

I remembered InfoGalactic is a thing!

2020-02-19 05:36:47 UTC  


2020-02-19 05:38:02 UTC  

Polygamy 🤮

2020-02-19 05:38:25 UTC  

Yeah Vox Day is cringe tho

2020-02-19 05:39:26 UTC  

Pachamama anyone?

2020-02-19 05:41:55 UTC  

They're either based or neo-pharisees

2020-02-19 05:44:33 UTC  

This is a good channel documenting the decline of the protestant church into social heresy

2020-02-19 05:47:24 UTC  

I've been mentally dabbling with something I call Christian Horrorism

2020-02-19 05:47:51 UTC  

resistance to God is futile

2020-02-19 05:48:25 UTC  

Basically Christianity through the lense of lovecraftism

2020-02-19 05:48:35 UTC  

or vice-versa

2020-02-19 05:49:57 UTC  

I hate that mentality, turning God into Barney

2020-02-19 05:50:53 UTC  

or they're a skinwalker