Message from @luke5135

Discord ID: 686140897217609767

2020-03-08 09:16:48 UTC  

You support trump right

2020-03-08 09:16:53 UTC  

cause my view is all people should have their freedom to do as they wish

2020-03-08 09:17:00 UTC  

I voted trump cause he was the best bet

2020-03-08 09:17:06 UTC  


2020-03-08 09:17:07 UTC  


2020-03-08 09:17:12 UTC  

I still think he's done some stupid shit

2020-03-08 09:17:20 UTC  

but he's new to politics so thats expected

2020-03-08 09:17:23 UTC  


2020-03-08 09:17:34 UTC  

But heโ€™s done overall good for the country

2020-03-08 09:17:40 UTC  

yea he's done pretty good

2020-03-08 09:17:49 UTC  

and im glad to see his support of the gay community

2020-03-08 09:17:52 UTC  

For someone new to politics heโ€™s doing great

2020-03-08 09:17:55 UTC  


2020-03-08 09:18:07 UTC  

he's actually done alot for gays and lesbians

2020-03-08 09:18:16 UTC  

and openly supports them

2020-03-08 09:18:28 UTC  


2020-03-08 09:18:37 UTC  

But CNN doesnโ€™t talk about the good shot

2020-03-08 09:18:40 UTC  

cause even though he is religious he understands it's other peoples personal freedom to be gay, or bi, or lesbian

2020-03-08 09:18:42 UTC  

They only talk about the bad

2020-03-08 09:18:46 UTC  


2020-03-08 09:18:57 UTC  

and that is a good thing

2020-03-08 09:19:04 UTC  

Itโ€™s just trans that are the problem

2020-03-08 09:19:23 UTC  

i'll say this actual transgenders do have issues

2020-03-08 09:19:28 UTC  

our problem is transtrenders

2020-03-08 09:19:31 UTC  

-mute @Jhaden98 2w

2020-03-08 09:19:31 UTC  

๐Ÿ”‡ Muted `Jhaden98#8426` for `2 weeks`

2020-03-08 09:19:39 UTC  

can we mute for longer?

2020-03-08 09:19:48 UTC  

-mute @Jhaden98 4w

2020-03-08 09:19:48 UTC  

๐Ÿ”‡ Muted `Jhaden98#8426` for `4 weeks`

2020-03-08 09:19:51 UTC  


2020-03-08 09:19:52 UTC  


2020-03-08 09:19:53 UTC  

it does matter

2020-03-08 09:19:59 UTC  

what someone has as sexual orientation

2020-03-08 09:20:06 UTC  

considering if it isn't male or female it doesn't exist lol

2020-03-08 09:20:14 UTC  

-mute @ashnaa 1y

2020-03-08 09:20:15 UTC  

๐Ÿ”‡ Muted `darvey#1846` for `1 year and 1 day`

2020-03-08 09:20:19 UTC  


2020-03-08 09:20:24 UTC  

I identify as an orange

2020-03-08 09:20:24 UTC  

-unmute @ashnaa

2020-03-08 09:20:25 UTC  

๐Ÿ”Š Unmuted `darvey#1846`

2020-03-08 09:20:27 UTC  

transtrenders make actual transgender people look bad when most transgenders are just depressed and they don't feel right in their own body due to gender dysphoria