Message from @Mopei_ECO200Y

Discord ID: 544037911176413194

2019-02-10 06:03:08 UTC  

well if you want to talk more about japan and you have the time we can keep talking about it

2019-02-10 06:03:31 UTC  

but what specifically about sjws and japan do you want to talk about, especially when most people who are under 40 don't even vote in japan

2019-02-10 06:06:55 UTC  

Here's my main points.
1) Don't underestimate the SJW's ability to change cultures.
2) Don't just give up
3) People need to discuss how to push back. Mechanistically, what kinds of infrastructure to build, how to support said infrastructure, how to enable (i.e. provide job security and a support network) sympathizers in organizations of power, etc.
4) Japan might be different, but they're definitely coming. Get ready. The SJWs in the west targeted the young: "We'll get you through your children" as Norman Podhertz said in 1958. Don't think they won't try and repeat the game. There's definitely a generation of professors educated in the West who've retained those ideas.

2019-02-10 06:07:18 UTC  

Do enjoy the conversation. I'm always curious about other cultures, though I don't really have too long to just idly chat.

2019-02-10 06:07:26 UTC  

Talk again sometime?

2019-02-10 06:07:39 UTC  

1) sjws don't or barely exist in japan
2) give up on what?

2019-02-10 06:07:42 UTC  


2019-02-10 06:08:24 UTC  

2) pushback I'm saying for anyone sympathetic or involved in animegate, don't just give up.

2019-02-10 06:08:33 UTC  

3) what are you talking about, i ahve no idea
4) japanese are apolitical in general, especially the younger generation who are too busy fapping over hentai than doing anything else

2019-02-10 06:08:48 UTC  

nobody in japan cares about animegame

2019-02-10 06:08:55 UTC  

animegate, its not even an issue in japan

2019-02-10 06:09:24 UTC  

I guess. But just keep it in mind. And it's also for any third parties just joining the conversation.

2019-02-10 06:09:50 UTC  

i think you should start understand more about japanese culture before you make broad assumptions

2019-02-10 06:10:02 UTC  

its hard to discuss something which you barely know anything about

2019-02-10 06:10:58 UTC  

I guess. But don't get complacent and don't just make assumptions.

2019-02-10 06:11:04 UTC  

you realize that its a korean source reporting on japan no?

2019-02-10 06:11:28 UTC  

Yes. There was another hate speech law passed in 2016, was there not? That just happened to be the most recent I could find.

2019-02-10 06:11:48 UTC  

Slight continuous changes. Don't count on some kind of cultural inertia.

2019-02-10 06:12:03 UTC  

i've been living in japan for most of that time i don't see any difference, i live in osaka, the city that is mentioned in the article

2019-02-10 06:12:25 UTC  

so despite these supposed regulartsions and laws being passed there is no change in the racial atmosphere in japan

2019-02-10 06:12:28 UTC  

The reddit thread describes exactly how SJWs recruit in the US, by the way. And Fortune 500s aren't that different, but they will always hold a great deal of power.

2019-02-10 06:12:51 UTC  

Maybe. But things do change.

2019-02-10 06:13:05 UTC  

i'd even argue that the racial tensions are getting worse in japan because we can't stand the chinese tourists defacating on your floors and destroying our toilets

2019-02-10 06:13:09 UTC  

That signals enough strength to have taken said step in the first place.

2019-02-10 06:13:28 UTC  

haha. Yeah, racial tensions are getting worse in the US too.

2019-02-10 06:13:35 UTC  

also there are only 2 genders in japan, its not even a subject of debate

2019-02-10 06:13:59 UTC  

I blame the whole intersectionality thing for most of it, but there's other factors driving it too.

2019-02-10 06:14:13 UTC  

That was how it was in most places in the US until a couple years ago.

2019-02-10 06:14:23 UTC  

so since there is no such thing as "gender bias" training in japan there isn't even anywhere to start

2019-02-10 06:14:39 UTC  

I still remember how people on Reddit used to make fun of the whole concept and you couldn't find *anyone* pushing the "gender is a social construct" line.

2019-02-10 06:14:49 UTC  

in the US feminism and LGBT has been a issue from a long time ago before trump even announced his presidency

2019-02-10 06:15:03 UTC  

Now the "gender is a social construct" seems to be the dominant narrative.

2019-02-10 06:15:16 UTC  

they always existed, just not that vocal before the trump presidency

2019-02-10 06:15:20 UTC  

Don't forget. Obama campaigned *twice* on not supporting Gay Marriage.

2019-02-10 06:15:39 UTC  

yeah that's the US, nobody is even talking about gay marriange in japan for the most part

2019-02-10 06:16:41 UTC  

Bear in mind, Obergefell vs. Hodges (the turning point in the US) was also in 2015.

2019-02-10 06:17:31 UTC  

Read that Reddit thread and just ask around if anyone you know has heard of similar things. That's what to watch for.

2019-02-10 06:17:39 UTC  

do you know that gay marrriage isnt even legal in japan

2019-02-10 06:17:50 UTC  

homosexuality isn't illegal but same sex marriage isn't legal either