Message from @luke5135

Discord ID: 674361247109611533

2020-02-04 21:05:23 UTC  

do you realize how many households own guns

2020-02-04 21:05:41 UTC  

it sober half of them all in the US

2020-02-04 21:05:48 UTC  

what does that have to do with this? answer my question

2020-02-04 21:06:22 UTC  

when you say side with civilians, do you mean they’d be pro gun?

2020-02-04 21:07:06 UTC  

if you do mean that, side with civilians is a poor choice of words considering that not every civilian owns a firearm and is pro gun

2020-02-04 21:07:27 UTC  

a majority of civilians are gun owners

2020-02-04 21:07:44 UTC  

majorly =/= every

2020-02-04 21:07:57 UTC  

civilians include everyone

2020-02-04 21:08:31 UTC  

well most are not gonna give up a right just saying

2020-02-04 21:08:59 UTC  

maybe they won’t, but if they don’t they will get arrested

2020-02-04 21:09:25 UTC  


2020-02-04 21:09:25 UTC  

lol and you think that's possible lol

2020-02-04 21:09:26 UTC  

so i don’t understand how “not giving it up” would do shit for you

2020-02-04 21:09:39 UTC  

they'd fight and kill

2020-02-04 21:09:40 UTC  

i think it’s possible to arrest someone yes

2020-02-04 21:09:50 UTC  


2020-02-04 21:09:53 UTC  


2020-02-04 21:10:14 UTC  

do you believe that EVERY gun owner in the us is going do that

2020-02-04 21:10:24 UTC  

it would be a minority

2020-02-04 21:10:35 UTC  

and the military would crush them

2020-02-04 21:10:50 UTC  

no but people in militias yes

2020-02-04 21:11:01 UTC  

consider how many militias are in the us

2020-02-04 21:11:48 UTC  

how many people in the us own guns?

2020-02-04 21:12:50 UTC  

there are over 250 million us gun owners

2020-02-04 21:12:56 UTC  

and more guns than people

2020-02-04 21:13:13 UTC  

also the military is heavily funded

2020-02-04 21:13:42 UTC  

military is volunteer and oath keepers

2020-02-04 21:13:57 UTC  

they can ignore orders that go over the constitution

2020-02-04 21:14:20 UTC  

they couldn’t without severe consequences

2020-02-04 21:14:25 UTC  

they take an oath

2020-02-04 21:14:47 UTC  

wait i misread

2020-02-04 21:15:07 UTC  

“they can ignore orders that go over the constitution”

2020-02-04 21:15:12 UTC  


2020-02-04 21:15:29 UTC  

what does go over the constitution mean

2020-02-04 21:15:45 UTC  

when you join you make and oath to follow the constitution

2020-02-04 21:16:05 UTC  

so how would you go over the constitution

2020-02-04 21:16:22 UTC  

the constitution of when they currently join

2020-02-04 21:16:29 UTC  

not including changes

2020-02-04 21:17:13 UTC  

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed

2020-02-04 21:17:24 UTC  

no where does it say not including changes

2020-02-04 21:17:43 UTC  

the constitution is the constitution