Message from @rogalik

Discord ID: 687351500472582163

2020-03-11 17:27:09 UTC  

oh yeah pneumonia is a bitch

2020-03-11 17:27:12 UTC  

and you still get a decent chance of pneumonia

2020-03-11 17:27:16 UTC  

then again not every case has pneumonia

2020-03-11 17:27:27 UTC  

80% of cases are mild (no special treatment)

2020-03-11 17:27:37 UTC  

but mild still means pneumonia possible

2020-03-11 17:27:50 UTC  

when is the point where you have to go to the hospital

2020-03-11 17:27:56 UTC  

you don't want to infect people rapidly to overload the health system

2020-03-11 17:28:01 UTC  

if i start feeling bad now do i have to go and get tested

2020-03-11 17:28:05 UTC  

stay safe as long as you can

2020-03-11 17:28:05 UTC  

or do i just stay home

2020-03-11 17:28:12 UTC  

until im dying

2020-03-11 17:28:20 UTC  

you're unlikely to die

2020-03-11 17:28:23 UTC  

Hospitals dont have enough breathing machines for all the mild cases that will arise if people go around spreading it
People are going to die mainly due to lack of machinery

2020-03-11 17:28:24 UTC  

but if you infect 10 others

2020-03-11 17:28:30 UTC  

2 of them will have to go to hospital

2020-03-11 17:28:30 UTC  

well dying as in maybe needing hospital care

2020-03-11 17:28:57 UTC  

mild case means no hospital needed

2020-03-11 17:29:02 UTC  

needing breathing machines accounts for like 15 percent f cases

2020-03-11 17:29:11 UTC  

its still not fun to have a mild case

2020-03-11 17:29:17 UTC  

but you can recover on your own

2020-03-11 17:29:28 UTC  

>Why are people behaving so retardedly
@Swiss Dave this tbh

2020-03-11 17:29:28 UTC  

20% need breathing machines

2020-03-11 17:29:31 UTC  

and 2% die

2020-03-11 17:29:38 UTC

2020-03-11 17:29:42 UTC  

15% of 1'000 infected is a thing, 15% of 10'000 is a whole different thing

2020-03-11 17:29:49 UTC  


2020-03-11 17:29:58 UTC  

thats why you should avoid needless transmission

2020-03-11 17:30:03 UTC  

self quarantine is necessary

2020-03-11 17:30:10 UTC  

Corona gains

2020-03-11 17:30:27 UTC

2020-03-11 17:30:36 UTC  

Governments should have enforced quarantines already, people are too irresponsible and wont do it
See: this chat

2020-03-11 17:30:48 UTC  

am i supposed to inform people ive been in contact with an ill person

2020-03-11 17:30:53 UTC  


2020-03-11 17:30:55 UTC  


2020-03-11 17:30:56 UTC  

God damn it

2020-03-11 17:31:01 UTC  

You are probably a carrier

2020-03-11 17:31:01 UTC  

so i cant have sex this weekend?

2020-03-11 17:31:16 UTC  

my uni said they're gonna be doing stuff to minimise face-face contact

2020-03-11 17:31:20 UTC  

Jesus Christ how can you be so stupid jaun?

2020-03-11 17:31:22 UTC  

im hoping thats soon

2020-03-11 17:31:30 UTC  

still have lectures as it is