Message from @Lt. Lentpenmen

Discord ID: 698619253871476816

2020-04-05 08:13:38 UTC  


2020-04-05 17:07:22 UTC  

<@628997348193992715> answer vetting when you have the time

2020-04-05 20:05:20 UTC  

1 i dont know where to start but ill keep it short. Ive been really intrested in politics for quite a while now and decided to learn more now with this quarantine
A friend suggested that i use discord and gave me this link and told me you guys are preety chill
He also got banned recently
2 16
3 romania
4 i heard something about siegetards and since its related to the word retard ill asume its something preety dumb but id like to know more
5 i like to think some are just born superior to others
6 not really having one but i supose traditionalism since thats what i vaguely know
And again id like to learn more here
7 id really want to know more about the whole "jews" deal
And i supose it all started with my grand grand father fighting in ww2 , at one point for both sides
8 i dont really have an ideal world yet since im a very open minded person at the moment
9 i think its full of brainwashed shitheads and pedophiles. I cant point exactly what and why but my heart feels as if its one of if not the most vile thing to exist period

2020-04-05 20:05:25 UTC  

10 born catholic with religion kinda shoved down my throat as a tiny kid and that made me a less religious person i supose
Either that or my brain just cant comprehend religion itself
11 i heard stories about Marx letting some of his children die of hunger and i think Lennin also based his ideology on Karl Marx's book so i dont think him or his ideology are in a great spotlight if u get what im saying
12 i think a negro can be as hard working or smart as a white person but statistics say otherwise
I think we should all stay in our continents and dont racemix
And i preety sure i clasify as a ethnic nationalist
13 from what ive learnt in school i think its preety bad
14 i have a rather short temper but i dont care about others ideologies
As long as they arent idiotic and you can have a proper discusion with i think i can even ignore whatever brainwashed ideology they have
15 i have a vague idea of what accelerationism is but im not 100% sure
But id definetly like to learn more
16 yeah seem good to me GG

2020-04-05 20:05:36 UTC  

It had over 2000 caracters

2020-04-05 22:28:10 UTC  

1. Jamin sent me the link
2. 18
3. Australian
4. I've read it a couple times now and im genuinely baffled than anyone actually follows it
5. The idea of equality is not only unrealistic but its unappealing. Different people are born with certain characteristics that define them and their capabilities, these characteristics make them inherently superior in some aspects while inferior in others. This is the way of life.
6. Reactionary Socialism. Basically socialist economic views with a strong emphasis on counter-enlightenment philosophy and reactionary/traditionalist social views.
7. I'm interested in learning more about theocracy's both their historical implementations and theory.
8. A world free from this hyper-consumerist and materialist nonsense we live in today, with a society that values family and community.
9. Popular culture has historically been used for propaganda purposes in order to stabilize the neo-liberal structure. Today that still holds some merit but the main problem i see is how much of a negative effect it has on kids.
10. Sedevacantist Catholicism
11. I reject materialism
12. Probably more so cultural nationalist however i am an ethnopluralist
13. I see imperialism as nothing more than a tool. I dont think its inherently good or bad just that it can be used for good or bad purposes. Much like a knife or a gun.
14. Depends on how different.
15. Actual accelerationism (not this retarded siegelet shit where you collapse society to bring about fascism or whatever) is fine and i think it has some merit however i still need to read more about it. Im interested in unconditional accelerationism but yeah wouldnt consider myself acc personally.
16. GG

2020-04-07 01:49:44 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? World union of national revolutionary’s
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work). 13
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in). I am Australian but my family moved to America
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ? Cringe I guess
5. What is your opinion on equality? Equality is a good thing in most cases
6. What is your ideology? (Make it Detailed) Marxism Leninism, it is an ideology composed by Joseph Stalin that combines the original ideas and teachings of Karl Marx and Fredrich Engles with Vladimir Lenin’s contributions and application of his ideas and original Marxist theory to the new conditions of capitalism
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics? I want to learn more about fascism and third position it’s ideology’s
8. What is the ideal world of yours and why? A world where communism is established, I belevie this would be ideal because we would have economic, and social equality under this system
9. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why? it is not good, and is infecting the youths of today
10. What is your religion? I have no religion
11. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism? Karl Marx was a revolutionary thinker who changed the world
12. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist? I would call myself neither
13. What’s your opinion on imperialism? It is a system where profit is valued over human life therefor it is bad
14. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically? Yes
15. What are your thoughts on acclerationism? And if you support it what type of acclerationist would you consider yourself to be? Accelerationism is just rushing capitalism instead of letting historical materialism take place

2020-04-07 21:16:47 UTC  

@guts just answer vetting and I’ll let you in

2020-04-07 21:25:48 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? Someone sent me a link
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work). 18
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in). Lebanese
4. What do you think about Siege by James Mason? I don’t know it
5. What is your opinion on equality? I believe in it
6. What is your ideology? (Make it Detailed) Marxism. A class-based framework of analyzing history and politics, with the goal of transitioning from capitalism to the economic stages of socialism and communism
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics? Open to learning about any worldview. I’ve been interested in politics for only a few months.
8. What is the ideal world of yours and why? A communist world.
9. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why? Trash, vapid processed mass produced trash mostly.
10. What is your religion? Not religious
11. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism? I’m a Marxist
12. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist? I’m indifferent to race since it’s an ever changing classification of people based on various social and political conditions of eras, more arbitrary than truly concrete. I’m at most a cultural patriot
13. What’s your opinion on imperialism? As a marxist, obviously anti-imperialist
14. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically? Yes, if our current goals align
15. What are your thoughts on acclerationism? And if you support it what type of acclerationist would you consider yourself to be? I’m not an accelerationist
16. Do you agree with <#588005602387689496> and have you read the about channel? To ensure you have read the rules and the about channel please put “GG” for confirmation Yes, GG

2020-04-10 23:43:06 UTC  

@jayelectric333 <@692673065380872252> answer vetting

2020-04-11 00:37:01 UTC  

Oy Vey I got banned

2020-04-11 00:37:09 UTC  


2020-04-11 00:37:10 UTC  

Its ya boi

2020-04-11 00:37:13 UTC  


2020-04-11 00:47:34 UTC  

You can’t kill me discord

2020-04-11 01:41:00 UTC  

@beyondphilosophy answer vetting

2020-04-11 01:41:04 UTC  

When u can

2020-04-11 01:41:20 UTC  

I will answer them here yes

2020-04-11 01:57:02 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? Other user invited me
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work). 28
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in). US
4. What do you think about Siege by James Mason? I’m not familiar with it
5. What is your opinion on equality? Depends on the situation or context. In general no two things are ever equal
6. What is your ideology? (Make it Detailed) closest I can come up with is fascist, but I really don’t seem to have one. I dislike ideologies as a general rule
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics? I want to learn more about fascism and any anti-globalist, anti-neoliberal positions. Been with politics many years
8. What is the ideal world of yours and why? People should be intelligent sane and self-responsible, not idiotic narcissistic asshole slaves like most are today. People should value themselves, their family, their tribe, and do what is right
9. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why? I try my best not to think about it. Seems most of it is complete trash

2020-04-11 01:57:12 UTC  

10. What is your religion? I don’t belong to a religion and I don’t consider myself atheist, agnostic or “vaguely spiritual”
11. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism? Capitalism has some problems in its original classical form and definitely has problems in its current globalized neoliberal/neocon corporatist form, but Marx basically misunderstood everything. Marx didn’t even know what basic things mean, like value, profit, property, and human nature. I am not a fan of Marx
12. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist? Everyone should value their own race. A healthy people and society will naturally be one with a central racial majority, even if it allowed other races into its society as minorities. Racial majority as center of a society should never be compromised. Positive and negative ethnocentrism are important, and balance against the importance of also judging people as individuals on their own individual merit and regardless of their race
13. What’s your opinion on imperialism? I don’t much like it, but it depends on the situation and context. In reality different societies and cultures/races will come into conflict with each other and battle, one will end up winning. That’s life. That’s also evolution
14. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically? Yes
15. What are your thoughts on acclerationism? And if you support it what type of acclerationist would you consider yourself to be? Im not an accelerationist and I don’t care for it.
16. Do you agree with <#588005602387689496> and have you read the about channel? To ensure you have read the rules and the about channel please put “GG” for confirmation

2020-04-11 19:43:29 UTC  

1. Cercle Proudhon
2. 20
3. US
4. Haven't read it, listened to enough interviews with him to know he is self deluded and dangerous and promotes some kind of race war and indiscriminate terror. I think about Siege about the same as I think about Attassa except white
5. depends what you mean. Equality in terms of base value depends because we all have 0 cosmic value but to one another we hold value however it differs between a person's interactions and relationships. Equality in opportunity is a pretty good idea but when measured up to merit and qualifications falls decently flat. it depends how you define equality but I dont see much of it anywhere.
6. Im very torn at the moment. Id say im some unrefined vague form of National Syndicalist with heavy heavy leanings to futurism
7. National Syndicalism, Sorelianism, Gremialismo
8. A world where everyone can receive their base needs while receiving the best possible chance to actualize themselves. A world where every person can be given access to associations and communities to bolster their physical, emotional, psychological, and overall development so they may contribute and better the world aswell for those that come after
9. Capitalist fake wokeness which fails to provide any substance for individuals and communities.
10. None
11. Was in the left for a good long while. Very positive general vibes about Marx
12. Race doesnt really matter to me. Culture is the only thing that I seem to carry from my birthplace which holds positive weight with me.
13. Can be used to help people, most of the time is not.
14. I have to.
15. Unsure, I think we need to accelerate certain aspects of society into the future but I am not too read up on it
16. GG

2020-04-11 20:04:01 UTC  

1. Someone gave me the link
2. 22
3. American
4. Never heard about it but after looking it up I wouldn’t care to either.
5. I love the concept of it but I know equality is something that will never be truly achieved.
6. I don’t particularly have a ideology however I’m against asphalt culture. I like some concepts of Marxism giving the power back to the people. But I prefer to take from different ideologies as I learn about them and form my own ideology.
7. I want to learn more about facism however I’m open to learn about different types of world views. I’ve been interested in politics for a couple of months.
8. A world where over industrialization isn’t the norm. A more people centric world.
9. Perverse and ungodly.. it doesn’t take much explanation just turn on the tv.
10. Spiritual, I believe in a omnipresent God who’s design is in everything.
11. Definitely a revolutionary for his time. Looking out for workers when no one else did. I appreciate his ideas & his contribution to the world.
12. Ethnic nationalist!
13. A big dick measuring contest, very tired, very shitty way of thinking.
14. For-sure. I’m open minded and enjoy exchanging in debates. I love to understand why someone believes what they do.
15. I’ve briefly read about but not enough to talk about so until I learn more I’d rather not say.
16 GG

2020-04-13 15:11:12 UTC  

1. Invited
2. 16
3. Ireland
4. gay
5. it's an ok ideal, but not when it is construed to mean giving the same/better privileges to foreigners
6. i believe in a corporatist economy and repatration of all foreigners
7. im not looking to learn anything in particular but im open, ive been interested in politics for about 2 years
8. where my country can retain its cultural and ethnic identity
9. It encourages degeneracy and leaves no room for heroism
10. Catholic
11. i don't agree with it
12. i would consider myself an ethnic nationalist, i believe in a return to homogeny for all of europe
13. dont like it
14. Yes
15. its a retarded worldview
16. Yes

2020-04-14 03:18:03 UTC  

1. Met someone on a server who invited me.
2. 19.
3. The United States.
4. I don't agree with his ideas. Neo-Nazism is not for me.
5. I believe in equality of opportunity but not of outcome; anything that comes close to forcing it interferes with the natural order of the system.
6. I'm a Corporatist, a Mosleyite, Pro-Union, a Fordist, and an Integralist to a degree. I'm for Economic Globalism but Political Nationalism.
7. I'm curious about National-Syndicalism, and I've been politically conscious for around four years.
8. A world without crime: I live in a city that has crumbled under the weight of mass systemic violence at the hands of violent gangs and illicit businessmen that have infiltrated their degeneracy into the highest offices of local government. Nobody is safe, not the elderly, nor the middle class nor the class, nor the youth. If we were to somehow break through that, to reach into the deepest stretches of the criminal underworld and shatter it permanently with a tight, closed fist, I would be able to breathe easier and sleep more soundly knowing that there will never be another elderly couple six days away from retirement gun-downed carrying their groceries in the middle of a turf war; knowing that there won't be a hard-working person like myself pressured to get into the drug-game by either the end of a gun or when his finnances in the projects are stacked against him; and knowing that kids like the one I'm proud to call a brother won't ever grace the local news to have a memorial and another candle-lit memorial in vain held by the community to prevent the taking of another innocent soul. That's what I want. More than anything.
9. I've never been into it, and I don't think I ever will. There are some songs I like that are kind of popular, and I would never knock anyone for liking it, but I think it's generally excessive and decadent. It can also corrupt the mind if you are easily influencable.
10. I'm a Catholic.

2020-04-14 03:18:10 UTC  

11. A necessary stepping stone towards debunking hyper-materialist philosophy, but an obsolete theory that has run its course.
12. I'm definitely a civic nationalist. I think America is one of those nations like Rome where our shared values, customs, and goals are a stronger uniting factor we are often proud of. As someone from a multi-ethnic family, I haven't really seen ethnic nationalism as a reasonable alternative, and certainly not a viable one given the interconnectivity of the modern world.
13. I don't really believe that neo-imperialism is necessarily a bad thing, but I think imperialism in the modern era isn't necessarily achievable nor desirable. Self-determination and international cooperation is more desirable for both parties. Open to have my mind changed on the subject, though.
14. Absolutely, provided I'm not asked to compromise my values beyond discourse.
15. I think it's a destructive and counterthetical idea. Reformism is a better model.
16. Yes.

2020-04-14 03:18:13 UTC  


2020-04-15 08:28:20 UTC  

1. I was banned (I am isomies72), but I was originally invited through someone I met on an other server and asked Commissar Eyebrow for an invite today.
2. 18
3. Finnish
4. Quite cringe, I have not read it but I have only heard bad things about it. Also the "siegetards" do not give it a good rep either.
5. There will always be someone better, more fit for leading, stronger and more intelligent. Equality cannot be achieved and I favour hierarchy.
6. Juche/NazBol/Ultranationalism/Monarchism/Traditionalism/Deep Ecology
7. I like to learn, so I am up to learn about any ideology. Got into politics when Brexit happened.
8. Traditional, super eco friendly ethnostate.
9. Bland and disgusting, music, art etc, it has become all the same and meaningless. Everyone tries to copy America these days.
10. Agnostic
11. Mixed feelings, Marx had many good and bad things about him. He is not as bad as the right wing tends to make him.
12. I am an ethnic nationalist
13. I believe in the independence of all peoples, so generally anti-imperialism
14. Yes
15. I cannot say. I do not think it would be a good idea, it is only a minority that are prepared for societal collapse.
16. Yes

2020-04-15 08:28:22 UTC  


2020-04-15 21:02:05 UTC  

<@692673065380872252> <@564472754565283872> answer vetting

2020-04-17 03:31:22 UTC  
2020-04-17 13:33:39 UTC  

Did you answer vetting @iamok

2020-04-17 19:38:59 UTC  

1. I found the link in some other right wing server

2. 15

3. Slovenia

4. Didnt read it yet

5. Depends what you mean by equality,but if you mean it like that everyone should have equal wages then no,but equality of opportunity is based and equality before the law is fine aswell

6. Strasserism,guild socialism,civic nationalism,authoritarianism,social conservatism,planned economy,idealism,natsyn(in some way),anti-imperialism,anti-zionism...

7. Now im probably the most interested in national bolshevism,ML and fascism
I've been into politics for about 2 years(a bit less) now

8. To ensure the existance of european peoples and to preserve their culture also to create a socialist(or even better would be strasserist) state in europe

9. Totaly Degenerate

10. Im atheist

11. Only based marxists are MLs,i know some MLs that are even socially conservative and nationalist. But marxism in general is based only economically

Civic nationalist,i think race does exist and it is biological construct(rather then social construct) but i think its unimportant,also because white peoples have different cultures, languages,ethnicitis etc. So i think its hard to identify only with race,also i dont think someone is inferior or should be even enslaved because of their race

13. I am definitly against todays capitalist imperialism and im against imperialism in general too so i would consider myself anti-imperialist

14. Yes

It does not make sense to me,so no

Btw its me Msch you may remember me, but my acc got removed this is my second reserve acc

2020-04-17 19:39:54 UTC  


2020-04-17 19:42:35 UTC  

<@692673065380872252> <@564472754565283872> answer vetting when you can

2020-04-17 21:05:48 UTC  

can i wrote tomorrow i'm gonna go sleep

2020-04-17 21:06:05 UTC  


2020-04-17 21:06:11 UTC  
2020-04-18 13:57:05 UTC  

msch invited me