Message from @Senny
Discord ID: 501466978385657866
The europeans have to be in a major war every 2-3 generations or they start going crazy
This wasnt a problem until the 20th and 21st centuries
brah, we are taking our earned vacation
@Senny u swede?
didn't swedes once run rampant across europe
and were feared
which century was that ?
9th century?
lol no
it was a couple centuries ago
i thought u talking about Vikings
vikings did pretty well
I'm not good with my European history
I think he's talking about Ikea?
Gustavus adolphus yes
They also pretty much single handedly held up the protestant side in the thirty years war
it's honestly really sad to see Europe die
I'm talking about the Swedish Empire
Europe has been so lucky in that most of it has stayed uninvaded by the outside..
atleast the heartland, Germany, France, Benelux, Austria, Poland etc
and they're ruining it all right now their cohesive homogenous societies
lucky? we conquered whole freaking world.
all good things come to an end I guess, this is the century of Asia
i would say the arabs got quite deep into our anus
pff not sure which century
they were all the way up to around austria
Ottomans did
lots of ppl have been trying to invade Europe tho
but it resisted
and then became imperialist themselves
mongols, turks, arabs
yeah, the Border Regions Balkans and Southern Europe did get successfully colonized at times