Message from @Major Kay.
Discord ID: 447944964119330816
Stealing Independence and Oasis are a couple of the best side quests in any Fallout game
Highly disagree
What? No appreciation for great writing?
The entirety of Point Lookout is freaking brilliant. Most of the Pitt is good. Great writing in both. Hunting down ingots wasn't fun though.
Broken Steel mostly fixed the ending of Fallout 3
I thought Point Lookout was great, Pretty neat expansion for Fallout 3, Own map and everything
I really didn't
That's just me
Also both of those quest have awful writing its just a glorified fetch quest and an easy morale choose
Keep Harold alive
The ending isn't what bothered me
The game tells you who you are from 1 to 18
In nv you don't have that you are who you say you are
Much harder morale chooses
Better writing for each companion
Best companion system in 3d fallout games
Any of the companion quests are easily better than both those quests
In regard to point look out
It just forced more of the 1d morel quests
I also have a problem with the unique weapons in fo3
They hardly have any most of them are just a rework of an already made weapon some are unique and cool
All of nvs unique weapons have a new look to them or make an altogether new weapon
The only thing i hate about nv is how it was incomplete
A lot of story threads go untouched
I felt that New Vegas' map should have been bigger
@here play danganronpa
great game
semi degenerate
i own over 300 tho
Already did
Loved them, mostly the second
@JTPlays have you played DR2 or V3 yet?
nah 😦
i need to finish THH
im on the last trial
V3 is my favorite