Message from @Milchiman
Discord ID: 444681511032061962
Praise kek
Anybody voted for Trump for revenge reasons?
Revenge reasons?
@Major Kay. when they can't use a real african city to prove trump wrong
My family whent against me and because my mother kives on Scandinavia. I was not Hurt financially
Hello my doods
Whats good
What’s up?
Waz good
My own brother believes CNN over me when I try to point out REAL facts to him. Afraid he's lost until I am able to redpill him in person
Should we all just infiltrate the "I Hate Donald Trump" FB group?
Or mass report as well, seems like that's what they did to GET
A TRUE hate group
Literally already been done by us
no report is for pussies
@Dr. Red Pill I agree, We should all report them until the group is taken down
Fuck Facebook
i had a rather...
I have friend in bongastand who is lefty who i had a bad blow out over trump back in 2016
This is all because of facebook
I agree but I feel this tactic won’t work
Mass culture war is long term cure