Message from @Major Kay.
Discord ID: 447954014718394369
This was in the 1980s
Where u from man?
Would just be gibberish ebonics and when one of us told him to be quiet he'd start laughing and say he gots ta be up so all y'all goin to be up
Illinois but was stationed in Germany for a bit over 3 years
23 right now
Absolutely hated that second squadron I got sent to
Mostly from my room mates alone with that music and the other one who slept on the bunk in my room liked it so he opened both the doors to connect the rooms
The first one was the bees knees though
No b.s. stuff just wake up and beat the snot out of eachother and learn to shoot!
All my friends are so fucking retarded.
Too many liberal ideas
My family is the same
I just want to slice my stomach open
I feel alone tbh
Friend was talking about how Americans should give up their guns
He's lived in Cali for 6 months now and he's gone completely retarded.
Like heart of LA
Fuck that sucks. I'm in California as well, Conservative area, Actually became even more red-pilled when I moved here
He was a bit of a libtard and then he moved for Canada to LA
It's like he went super saiyan libtard
It magnified his libtardness
I became redpilled a year ago
I voted for Justin trudeau and then he started disenfranchising white English speakers
Never felt so betrayed
hello fellow deplorables
What's up @PrehistoricPepe and @Thornberry You need to get him out of office
off work, ready to shitpost
I'd be very afraid of a pissed off Mike Pence
Always fear the calm man
Shit, You said it. I'm always calm, But when i'm pissed, shit sometimes I dont even remember what happened
Im the same, learned it from me father