Message from @juice
Discord ID: 448995543675568128
That sounds like the faggot page that one of the mods highlighted
hold on
Natsoc larpers wow
What were natsoc larpers doing?
Posting that garbage image above
More than likely one of the autistic "I have evidence" fucks from a yesterday or the day before
Isnt politically incorrect goku an oxymoron/restating the obvious
Goku is a moron and doesnt know shit about politics
I would figure Tom the exact opposite of a sadmin
Id hire him for a job
At least he can fucking dress himself
So is this the cabal of people that have been reporting the pages?
I think there are several though
I had assumed it was just but hurt liberals at first
But that retard from the other day shows there are butt hurt cons with an axe to grind
Possibly a bunch of children
The page took down the post
I went back to look and it was gone
Go see for yourself
Goku backed down from a fight?
the mind boggles
Every girl in michigan is a tattoo slut
The pay gap for kids is because Ive never seen a little girl mow the goddamn lawn
And the kid who did it for the white house did it for free
Taking out the trash doesnt happen if the trash is anything more than a tiny bathroom one
Little boys easily beat girls in work ethic
Little girls suck up to daddy