Message from @Little Boots

Discord ID: 458339269853970434

2018-06-18 17:45:19 UTC  

After knowing about Hollywood trying to force communism, it’s basically ruined movies for me lol

2018-06-18 17:45:59 UTC  

Even Incredibles 2 had a few moments where I had to stop and think.

2018-06-18 17:48:03 UTC  

The debate near the beginning about how “just” the anti-superhero law was. I felt like it was pushed as an anti-borders or pro illegal immigration argument.

2018-06-18 18:10:37 UTC  

Looks like America is about to become the world leader in space exploration again OwO

2018-06-18 18:11:36 UTC  

I keep thinking how Jesus said that people will hate you because of me... Or at least preserving the west culture to those who are NOT theist

2018-06-18 18:17:59 UTC  

Society is woke on how shit "The Last Jedi" is.

2018-06-18 18:23:41 UTC  

Honestly phantom menace was better than The last Jedi

2018-06-18 18:23:44 UTC  

There I said it

2018-06-18 18:26:25 UTC  


2018-06-18 18:26:35 UTC  

Anything is better than the new garbage

2018-06-18 18:26:52 UTC  

I'd rather watch the Christmas special than Episode 8

2018-06-18 18:26:53 UTC  

The prequels were politically complex

2018-06-18 18:28:30 UTC  

So they had this action humor overt overlay with a advanced political message

2018-06-18 18:29:12 UTC  

Fellas, is it gay to eat MAYO

2018-06-18 18:31:12 UTC  

The real story of the prequels isn't bad, it was just terribly adapted to the screen. When you understand Star Wars was supposed to be a space opera and a dirivative of Flash Gordon, the quirky humor and oddness is a bit understandable. The issue is it doesn't work with the story of the Clone Wars that Lucas wrote in the books. A complete adaptation of the books into a movie would have made it rated R and lucas didn't want that, he actually didn't like that episode III got a PG-13 rating

2018-06-18 18:32:02 UTC  

Anyone remember this

2018-06-18 18:32:03 UTC

2018-06-18 18:34:10 UTC  


2018-06-18 18:34:54 UTC  

Any proof for Walmarts turning into immigration centers?

2018-06-18 18:35:30 UTC  

I think I saw something from Infowars about the Walmarts closing down.

2018-06-18 18:36:37 UTC  

PETA Ideologues: "Is there the human race and the animal races below it?"

Me, as an intellectual: "Yes. Exactly that."

2018-06-18 18:37:23 UTC  

I really think the 2012..end of the world prophecy is HAPPENING

2018-06-18 18:37:34 UTC  

Humans are superior

2018-06-18 18:37:40 UTC  

Weve had such a culture shift from the norm post 2012

2018-06-18 18:37:52 UTC  

New words.. New genders. White privilage etc

2018-06-18 18:38:05 UTC  

Chipping away at normal traditionalism

2018-06-18 18:38:53 UTC  

Well, yes. The left is filled with self-loathing, mentally disturbed individuals.

2018-06-18 18:39:17 UTC  


2018-06-18 18:40:50 UTC  

But yeah, PETA honestly believes humans are no better than any other animal.

2018-06-18 18:41:40 UTC  

While they use highly advanced technology that no other species on the planet is capable of, communicating through a system of language no other species could hope to develop, while using and wearing things animals could never hope to craft or create by themselves.

2018-06-18 18:42:41 UTC  

I'm pretty sure that they fail to see that we are superior to other animal species because we have developed far beyond the capabilities of any other species on the planet, capable of developing advanced societies and even leaving the very surface of our planet and land on other celestial bodies.

2018-06-18 18:45:00 UTC  

These groups are noble causes that turn extreme because that’s the only way to extract profit from a movement/cause. Sensationalize the conditions to radicalize the response.

2018-06-18 18:46:31 UTC  

PETA's simply become radical because the same left-wing radicals took them over just like they've taken over many activist groups.

2018-06-18 18:46:52 UTC  

Anyone watching clinton email probe?

2018-06-18 18:47:07 UTC  

Cant make out whats TRULY going on

2018-06-18 18:48:41 UTC  

I must ask. Would be unethical to eat PETA members?

2018-06-18 18:49:30 UTC  

Yes. But if theyre in furry outfits they're technically animals

2018-06-18 18:50:09 UTC  

Well, considering they act like humans are no better than animals, that means they shouldn't have the same rights as humans.

2018-06-18 18:50:31 UTC  

Therefore, eating them would be ethical because they think themselves nothing more than animals rather than thinking themselves as humans.

2018-06-18 18:52:05 UTC  

Clinton probe grlling

2018-06-18 18:55:26 UTC  

I believe the same. If you believe yourself, as a human, no better or greater than an animal you should be treated as such. And for those of us who deem ourselves superior to animals, we will rule over you and the animals.