Message from @bigbenisdaman
Discord ID: 459954957861519360
And Clinton foundation workers
well yea
I wonder what Chelsea Clinton's pussay tastes like tbh
Like Bill?
all muted ppl here alread konw
Rusty nails and sushi
I’m a dumb
I think it tastes like papa bill tbh
nobody gives a shit, crap show
Does Trump merchandise sell? I'm thinking of selling it
f u too kid
We should all just play Reach
high key
Reach has best mp
I'll play with yo mamas tittays
since i'm indef muted cus some kid thinks i make to much sensce, f u all
Who's this big benis?
you're daddy
I'm half I only hate my 2 inch pecker
gotr 800+ on skyrum brah
Thinking of turning it inside out so I can fuck myself
Skyrim < battle toads
so thorn isa inbread racist, gg kiddo
With a tiny dong
I probably have close to several thousand on skyrim
prob a varaint of the ar15
fuck errybody yelling obscenities
I'm drunk
so mute me but not Thotn, yea gg pos
GET Chat Weebposting
meh, here I go thinking this is a true RW grop, apperatnlty it's more of a liberal conspiracy
Terraria is the shit
Eww furry