Message from @Ehzek

Discord ID: 460238731866275870

2018-06-24 00:18:15 UTC  

Not just the nasty girls

2018-06-24 00:19:11 UTC  

ICE is better off deporting people

2018-06-24 00:19:34 UTC  

At this point the border needs to be declared a National Security issue

2018-06-24 00:20:00 UTC  

form the US Occupational Forces and occupy Mexico and install a government that isn't retarded

2018-06-24 00:20:21 UTC  

It would take 3 years at ICE current rate to get rid of the illegals

2018-06-24 00:20:29 UTC  

Y'all hear about the "Mexican Invasion" Their lead presidential candidate is warning?

2018-06-24 00:20:50 UTC  

That just sounds like a war waitibg to happen

2018-06-24 00:21:01 UTC  

And a green light to invade them

2018-06-24 00:21:10 UTC  

Well not war

2018-06-24 00:21:18 UTC  

They wouldnt last a week

2018-06-24 00:21:21 UTC  

Yep. If he wins, Guarantee we're going to see future conflict with Mexico

2018-06-24 00:21:37 UTC  

You mean new new mexico

2018-06-24 00:22:10 UTC  

Shit, The cartel practically runs their government. They're long overdue for a change of power

2018-06-24 00:22:18 UTC  


2018-06-24 00:22:20 UTC  

Make Mexico Great Again

2018-06-24 00:22:34 UTC  

The left got them too cocky

2018-06-24 00:23:17 UTC  

An actual invasion is going to be met with apache gunships

2018-06-24 00:23:40 UTC  

Tanks crashing through their border when?

2018-06-24 00:23:45 UTC  

Maybe thats what they want?

2018-06-24 00:24:01 UTC  

Trump war on mexico? How inhumane...

2018-06-24 00:24:24 UTC  

Dont pick on weak countries!!! Reeeeee

2018-06-24 00:25:07 UTC  

O well my inactive reserve is up so they can miss me with that gay shit

2018-06-24 00:25:30 UTC  

New Mexico 2.0

2018-06-24 00:26:02 UTC  

Split mexico into 10 new states

2018-06-24 00:26:03 UTC  

Might have to fight the war in California as well, With all the fuckin illegals

2018-06-24 00:26:21 UTC  

Then annex 10 territories

2018-06-24 00:26:58 UTC  

20 new states Trump got us

2018-06-24 00:27:04 UTC  

Best president ever

2018-06-24 00:27:25 UTC  


2018-06-24 00:27:57 UTC  

Honestly if the U.S. military occupied Mexico, Cartel would be done for.

2018-06-24 00:27:58 UTC  

Then we just need a border on the south of mexico and thats way easier

2018-06-24 00:28:19 UTC  

I saw reports of them making ghetto mraps

2018-06-24 00:28:30 UTC  

They apparently sucked ass

2018-06-24 00:28:46 UTC  

Mexico would fold like Iraq

2018-06-24 00:29:13 UTC  

Citizens would help us find cartels the same as they helped us in Iraq

2018-06-24 00:29:17 UTC  

Mexico is run mostly by the cartels. Mexico is one of the biggest guns, drugs and human traffickers. It would be a good thing for the world if we invaded.

2018-06-24 00:29:25 UTC  

The whole thing wouldnt even take 6 months

2018-06-24 00:29:49 UTC  

The cartel would be absolutely fucked. They think they can hide forever.

2018-06-24 00:29:51 UTC  

Id like to be infantry in that lol

2018-06-24 00:30:03 UTC  

Back to back missions

2018-06-24 00:30:11 UTC  

All the people you can shoot