Message from @Amadeus

Discord ID: 465764360959164417

2018-07-09 06:16:33 UTC  

how much isn't?

2018-07-09 06:16:43 UTC  


2018-07-09 06:16:45 UTC  

ill admit it

2018-07-09 06:16:49 UTC  

I have watched the series

2018-07-09 06:17:02 UTC  

up to Season 5

2018-07-09 06:17:04 UTC  

i'd say the majority isn't

2018-07-09 06:17:07 UTC  

so has just about everyone else I know

2018-07-09 06:17:15 UTC  

there certainly is a lot of loli hentai, but that isn't the majority

2018-07-09 06:17:37 UTC  

I'm more interested in the connection between Sonic and autismos.

2018-07-09 06:17:37 UTC  


2018-07-09 06:17:57 UTC  

yea, just like porn in general

2018-07-09 06:18:13 UTC  

only some of it is some sicko stuff

2018-07-09 06:18:57 UTC  

For a group of people who hates degeneracy, we sure do seem to engage in a lot of it

2018-07-09 06:19:11 UTC  

there's "degeneracy", then there's *degeneracy*

2018-07-09 06:19:25 UTC  

I never made a distinction

2018-07-09 06:19:45 UTC  

as long as it isn't reminescent of the Left's brand of degeneracy, we shouldn't worry too much

2018-07-09 06:20:00 UTC  

Tell it to the MG42

2018-07-09 06:21:07 UTC  

speaking of MG-42s

2018-07-09 06:21:11 UTC

2018-07-09 06:21:16 UTC  

Ladies and Gentlemen
I have found the man to succeed our God Emperor upon his eventual shedding of his mortal coil

2018-07-09 06:21:17 UTC  

i'd like to deal with this table with one

2018-07-09 06:22:16 UTC  

In that last photo... tell me that thing's head is a fucking shop.

2018-07-09 06:22:34 UTC  

i think it is, but you really have no idea with those "people"

2018-07-09 06:23:30 UTC  

"Where are you taking this... thing?"

2018-07-09 06:30:24 UTC  

I have no clue on the sonic degenerate connection.

2018-07-09 06:30:55 UTC  

I just know that it spawned the most sinister of all internet degeneracy

2018-07-09 06:31:28 UTC  

D-don't say its name...

2018-07-09 06:31:38 UTC  

I already said why loli isnt quite degenerate.

2018-07-09 06:33:03 UTC  

Unlike things that are normally gateways like sonic and mlp to furry. Loli community normally outs pedophiles to the authorities.

2018-07-09 06:33:58 UTC  

As it normally brings degenerates in line rather than create more its on the positive side rather than negative

2018-07-09 06:34:01 UTC  

doesn't sound any worse than Waluigi R34

2018-07-09 06:34:22 UTC  

The sonic guy I mentioned is

2018-07-09 06:34:52 UTC  

I took a criminal law class one semester and we had this long discussion one day about whether or not underage cartoon/anime characters counted as pedophilia. Was interesting lol

2018-07-09 06:35:14 UTC

2018-07-09 06:35:35 UTC  

By memes I mean my dick.

2018-07-09 06:37:03 UTC  

By your dick you mean Chris chan

2018-07-09 06:37:12 UTC  


2018-07-09 06:37:24 UTC  


2018-07-09 06:38:11 UTC  

I'm sad GenoSamuel stopped making his Chris Chan doc.

2018-07-09 06:38:54 UTC  

He is one interesting degenerate.

2018-07-09 06:39:10 UTC  

Surprised he never killed himself