Message from @Iamawesom
Discord ID: 300289957778423819
Desperately trying to be white
The woman in that painting is clearly a mulatto, too!
>Niggers can't into beauty
shh that's a thoughtcrime
@Convoy >Crusader meme avatar
>Overly positive outlook on life
>Random "oy vey"
>"I want to be memed! 😃"
This guy is clearly some ANTIFA faggot
i actually hate commies
>not being severely depressed
see nigga you have to have a negative outlook on the meaningless existence
because until you're redpilled and recognize the corruption, you're going to be happy
but the even redder pilled dudes are happiest
This is the /hurtbox/
Those who place the value of absolute truth above all else are destined to suffer
Suffering is part of waking up
Suffering builds character
Men of strong character build great societies.
Yeah, which is why I don't try to leave my depressed and horrid weeb state. I develop character
wait who gave me the <@&288410807065247744> role
Only those whose souls were tempered in the fires of despair are strong enough to lead the hearts of men.
Pence did it
Strong men create good times, which create weak men, which create bad times, which restart the cycle and create strong men.
psh we aren't fascist
I am
We're an anarcho-authoritarian group
traps are gay
U right