Message from @DanteMenace

Discord ID: 509650768219865089

2018-11-07 08:47:18 UTC  

The whole point is to be judged

2018-11-07 08:47:39 UTC  

the reverse

2018-11-07 08:47:47 UTC  

the whole point is to discuss ideas

2018-11-07 08:47:47 UTC  


2018-11-07 08:47:55 UTC  

yeah you judge ideas

2018-11-07 08:47:58 UTC  

and his is so bad

2018-11-07 08:48:05 UTC  

ideas, not people

2018-11-07 08:48:10 UTC  

@DanteMenace Do you think anti semetism as a worldview falls under politics or not?

2018-11-07 08:48:11 UTC  

that he need to check is life

2018-11-07 08:48:20 UTC  

`DanteMenace: The whole point is to be judged`
this summs leftist ideology pretty well.

2018-11-07 08:48:24 UTC  

Cause if you dont think so I can say it very clearly

2018-11-07 08:48:44 UTC  

Real easy to say this means that isn't it @Jasse

2018-11-07 08:48:53 UTC  

come to channel 2 we can talk this out

2018-11-07 08:48:58 UTC  

talk room 2

2018-11-07 08:49:05 UTC  

cause Im sick of typing

2018-11-07 08:49:21 UTC  

Cant shout over people if they type

2018-11-07 08:49:28 UTC  

I don't shout

2018-11-07 08:49:38 UTC  

I have hours logged with people

2018-11-07 08:49:53 UTC  

just talking about important stuff

2018-11-07 08:50:00 UTC  

kants arugment on morality

2018-11-07 08:50:11 UTC  


2018-11-07 08:50:15 UTC  

im already in VC.
but kind of tempted to hear that high pich voice of yours.

2018-11-07 08:50:37 UTC  

@Jasse real cool of you

2018-11-07 08:50:56 UTC  

fuck if i care

2018-11-07 08:51:20 UTC  

Case in point I dont agree with Jasse on this topic

2018-11-07 08:51:33 UTC  

Like i said im made of stone and I won't budge on the fact you sir @Jasse are an anti Semite

2018-11-07 08:51:48 UTC  

At the same time he literally did nothing wrong other than posting information related to an ongoing discussion

2018-11-07 08:51:57 UTC  

No one is expecting you to

2018-11-07 08:52:19 UTC  

i think it's a broader issue of jasse being a fucking meme :^)

2018-11-07 08:53:07 UTC  

Some could argue that the discussion fell outside of the bounds of the channel and was thus wrong, but providing evidence is never wrong

2018-11-07 08:55:20 UTC  

an expert on a new channel good luck convincing the world on that one @Blackhawk342

2018-11-07 09:05:37 UTC  

Also, when I said @Jasse was the reason for the Pittsburg shooting, the shooter was brainwashed by those kinds of messages. Its the same trick that leads people to Alt-right or racism I won't let some one purposely misleading a community into tolerating antisemitism. We may support free speech but that doesn't mean tolerate. It start with a joke, goes to some data, the jokes become more "brainwashing" and finally you believe it because the data told you so. Its the same reason and way the Alt-right almost got me to hate my friends lucky for me they saved me. Hopefully @Jasse realizing soon he's on step 3 of this and if someone doesn't save him he will become an actual monster.

2018-11-07 09:05:53 UTC  

as @Jasse "its only logic"

2018-11-07 09:07:07 UTC  

That sounds like tolerance was dropped in favor of acceptance.

2018-11-07 09:07:34 UTC  


2018-11-07 09:08:51 UTC  

Meaning you didnt "tolerate" their messages, you accepted them and considered them correct.

2018-11-07 09:09:05 UTC  
2018-11-07 09:09:44 UTC  

so what your toughts on this jewsish group?
by your own logic they are enabling and assisting immigration.

And thus they are bad.

2018-11-07 09:12:13 UTC  

I don't support anti-Semitism I don't support illegal immigration those are 2 different beast, HIAS has there reasons "We understand better than anyone that hatred, bigotry, and xenophobia must be expressly prohibited in domestic and international law and that the right of persecuted people to seek and enjoy refugee status must be maintained."

2018-11-07 09:12:26 UTC  

Plus I have no idea how they were able to get you to hate your friends. Seems like there should be more to that story that just jokes and data.

2018-11-07 09:13:09 UTC  

@Blackhawk342 How the fuck do you think people join the alt-right? do you think they just wake up and go " fuck jews and niggers"