Message from @TheKekscernist

Discord ID: 649045247849922585

2019-11-27 00:20:57 UTC

2019-11-27 00:21:28 UTC  

And it's not a solution to anything. Sure you might get rid of gays and that's great. And gypsies, Jehovah's witnesses, etc.

2019-11-27 00:21:57 UTC  

There are other features of civilization you lose in the process. Like erasing history and religion.

2019-11-27 00:22:34 UTC  

It doesn't erase all degeneracy, just replaced it with different kinds

2019-11-27 00:22:46 UTC  

So what is the best solution? Anything that focuses on preserving the best of Western Civilization?

2019-11-27 00:23:06 UTC  

Because natsoc was literally crafted to tackle all of that

2019-11-27 00:23:12 UTC  

Natsoc isn't it.

2019-11-27 00:23:45 UTC  

You might talk to God and ask him to help.

2019-11-27 00:24:02 UTC  

Holy shit that wall of text

2019-11-27 00:25:47 UTC  

Stopped reading at "with no solutions at hand"

2019-11-27 00:26:52 UTC  

hey Amadeus why haven't you contributed to this discussion at all

2019-11-27 00:28:40 UTC  

Because it looks like you're larping as someone who knows what he's talking about while bringing no solutions to the table

2019-11-27 00:29:02 UTC  

Isn't that what you're doing?

2019-11-27 00:29:58 UTC  

Its true because I said so

2019-11-27 00:30:35 UTC  

because I too like to ignore things people write and pretend they're saying nothing substantive

2019-11-27 00:31:43 UTC  

It's true because you said so. Hmm.

2019-11-27 00:32:18 UTC  

Anyway we all have our ideas of how to fix society. We haven't yet tried to regulate all evil as we have with, say, the tobacco industry under the guise of "promoting the fee market" and capitalism

2019-11-27 00:32:23 UTC  

You haven't been ignored. History has tested your ideology. And the principles it stands upon are immoral and do not work.

2019-11-27 00:32:44 UTC  

Oh? How do you know?

2019-11-27 00:32:49 UTC  

People smoked in Germany too

2019-11-27 00:34:05 UTC  

Yeah before we knew it caused cancer

2019-11-27 00:34:29 UTC  

And tobacco use has steadily declined

2019-11-27 00:34:34 UTC  

and created a public health burden

2019-11-27 00:34:36 UTC  

Now being a small minority

2019-11-27 00:34:50 UTC  

Yeah because we've been taxing the shit out of it

2019-11-27 00:35:07 UTC  

No, because of social stigma and public health concerns

2019-11-27 00:35:24 UTC  

Addicts will still buy their dope regardless of the price.

2019-11-27 00:35:25 UTC  

Literal government regulation

2019-11-27 00:35:37 UTC  

Yeah the addicts will

2019-11-27 00:35:45 UTC  

Smokers are addicts.

2019-11-27 00:35:52 UTC  

But it highly dissuades new smokers

2019-11-27 00:36:19 UTC  

Hasn't dissuaded me. I don't know what it costs. I've never tried it. Purely because of health concerns.

2019-11-27 00:36:37 UTC  

But hey let's do it your way. Let's stop taxing cigarettes. What could go wrong? It'll be fine

2019-11-27 00:36:55 UTC  

No, I'd ban them with the same justification as banning cocaine

2019-11-27 00:38:08 UTC  

So I'm gonna give you some advice dude, take it or leave it. First, a wise priest told me once that you should never believe yourself to be so important to a good work that you can't take a day off for your own enjoyment.

2019-11-27 00:39:07 UTC  

And as for relationships and family. If she's used meat, damaged goods, she will never love you. She will never completely be yours. She will always think about some other dudes dick. Not you. You're the consolation prize. And ultimately you were unworthy of her purity anyway, so she too is a consolation prize. Chances are, you'll end up divorced. And because she's a woman and the system favors them, you're going to lose your kids, pay child support and alimony, and be lucky to see your children every other weekend. A decent probability that she will accuse you of domestic violence and the judge will believe her. This means you'll never own a gun again, and are banned from military and law enforcement, forever, without exception. You'll have a protection order, that bans you from ever talking to her or her family and friends, and have to get your kids by a supervised exchange that you will pay for. And every job you apply for, will know about your DV conviction,.

2019-11-27 00:39:36 UTC  

Yeah I've seen that copy pasta several times now

2019-11-27 00:39:53 UTC  

And we know it cuts deep bro

2019-11-27 00:39:58 UTC  

But it's for the best

2019-11-27 00:40:04 UTC  


2019-11-27 00:40:20 UTC  

I'm at a loss how it's applicable to our current situation tho