Message from @ZoSo159

Discord ID: 662580587034443816

2020-01-02 16:15:12 UTC  

And labelling it as a pish

2020-01-02 18:01:52 UTC  

@eno2 calling me a Boomer? U mad sis?

2020-01-02 19:28:25 UTC  

@Ragnarok Anyone past the age of 28 is an automatic boomer

2020-01-02 19:47:12 UTC  


2020-01-02 19:47:19 UTC  

I didn’t mean it as an insult

2020-01-02 19:47:27 UTC  

@wwezombiegod like you?<:smugpepe:445634631950139403>

2020-01-02 19:47:58 UTC  

Okay boomer

2020-01-02 19:48:00 UTC  

you look like one though

2020-01-02 19:48:05 UTC  


2020-01-02 19:48:22 UTC  

ah yes, you playz fornite and shieeet

2020-01-02 19:49:21 UTC

2020-01-02 20:37:12 UTC  

@CowFlip we will use Americans to recolonize Europe after we exterminate most of the population

2020-01-02 20:41:41 UTC  

Let's hope it does

2020-01-02 20:48:36 UTC  

then UK, then Germany

2020-01-02 21:49:21 UTC  
2020-01-02 21:49:28 UTC  

Have you seen this?

2020-01-03 04:28:45 UTC  

It’s only 2-3 days since 2020 began and Trump just scored a major political victory

2020-01-03 06:18:36 UTC

2020-01-03 06:19:42 UTC

2020-01-03 08:58:42 UTC  

I'm not too sure how I feel about Monarchy myself. I know it'll sound funny to say considering pretty much all our wars have been to expand territory and money but what happens if there is stuff like a Monarch having a minor quibble with another so sends their serfs to fight each other over something only they would benefit from. Or if there was a corrupt Monarch and you can't speak out against them since the people would have you lynched for daring to oppose them.

2020-01-03 08:59:49 UTC  

Admittedly the system didn't last very long but I like the sound of the early American Republic but feel like with how large and diverse the country is even if you rooted out all the corrupt elements the idiots in the masses would just be furious and vote all that stuff back in immediately

2020-01-03 09:00:52 UTC  

Suppose it's a tricky thing to manage since democracy at its core is mob rule and a republic is just one step away from it

2020-01-03 09:01:47 UTC  

Just the biggest gripe for Monarchies for me is if you got bad ones in there and instead of being able to vote them out or have a revolution you have to deal with their blood line for your entire life and your progeny

2020-01-03 09:05:39 UTC  

Got to see first hand though what you said about them making sure not to teach us old philosophy. I took a Christian Ethics class in college but the professor always made sure to preface any Greek, Roman, or Christian philosopher as being an archaic old misogynist racist who perpetuated systems of oppression that affect us to this day and other hog wash like that. The class was fascinating for me if only for the reason that it introduced me to people like Saint Augutine and having people in GET who I could speak to about these thinkers and their ideology for hours on end outside of class

2020-01-03 09:06:53 UTC  

Only philosophers he spoke fondly of in class was an anarcho communist from the 30's who said we all have to be dirt poor and live like hobos and a South American priest who said white people committed the original sin and do the devil's bidding and they must all be killed for their collective sins against God and fellow humans

2020-01-03 16:46:57 UTC  

@CowFlip @ZoSo159 the difference in feudalism vs today is those rich landowning families (who were not particularly rich anyway) had obligations to their tenants. Unlike now, where your landlord will watch niggers rape you in the ass, and the next day hike up your rent

2020-01-03 16:47:32 UTC  

And you can only draft people for 40 days, need support of the nobles etc

2020-01-03 16:47:46 UTC  

Hereditary military status is a good thing

2020-01-03 16:48:08 UTC  

Checks the power of the emperor, and makes better warriors

2020-01-03 16:48:45 UTC  

That was the price you pay for owning land, you have to defend everyone living on it, from criminals and invaders

2020-01-03 16:49:00 UTC  

Your current landlord will watch those sandniggers burn you alive

2020-01-03 16:49:18 UTC  

And then sue your heirs for past due rent

2020-01-03 16:49:50 UTC  

King can still tell lords to btfo if they do something bad

2020-01-03 16:50:07 UTC  

Ah that's good

2020-01-03 16:50:23 UTC  

Mine is my boss's cousin

2020-01-03 16:50:41 UTC  

Before that it was some rich guy who got a company to manage everything for him, complete assholes

2020-01-03 16:51:02 UTC  

Working two jobs out of town as a cop, and they would nonstop bitch about if the grass was cut

2020-01-03 16:51:28 UTC  

"Hi, hope this letter finds you well, cut your grass today or we will fine you without any due process"

2020-01-03 16:52:33 UTC  

"Hi, hope this letter finds you well, we will be showing your house to potential renters, we have a key so we will just walk in whenever you want, despite the fact that you're in the process of packing and moving we expect the whole house to be clean, and if you don't then we will fine you every day, without due process"

2020-01-03 16:52:39 UTC  

Ah thank you all for the explanations. Just still new to all this stuff and as you could imagine the public education system doesnt speak kindly on anything besides communisim and max democracy