Message from @paradigm

Discord ID: 524441932303433762

2018-12-17 21:23:18 UTC  

If they didn't see it as profitable in some way they wouldn't pour so many resources into it.

2018-12-17 21:30:46 UTC  

having monopoly over a market is more important than profitability

2018-12-17 21:31:08 UTC  

this is nothing new

2018-12-17 21:43:44 UTC  

And media monopolies care more about political power than economic power.

2018-12-17 21:48:47 UTC  

I don't know that ad power is worth more than functional social interaction tbh fam

2018-12-17 21:49:14 UTC  

Yes you can shill your ideas to a larger crowd, but twitter et al do not operate in a way that is conducive to social cohesion

2018-12-18 01:47:13 UTC

2018-12-18 02:31:11 UTC  

change _germans_ for _refugees_ and you have the future that will happen in 2 years

2018-12-18 02:32:52 UTC  

You mean because the Refugees will cause more deaths and start openly killing Germans??

2018-12-18 02:32:57 UTC  

more openly than they do right now

2018-12-18 02:54:07 UTC  


2018-12-18 02:54:17 UTC  

I mean Military Service

2018-12-18 02:54:21 UTC  

the European Army

2018-12-18 02:55:21 UTC  

oh, true

2018-12-18 02:55:27 UTC  

for the European Califate

2018-12-18 04:07:33 UTC  
2018-12-18 04:21:33 UTC  

tpusa uses anedot

2018-12-18 04:21:37 UTC  

and that runs on paypal

2018-12-18 04:22:08 UTC  

... and tpusa is a lot more hated than most of these influencers on patreon

2018-12-18 04:25:00 UTC  

they charge 4% + 30 cents per transaction

2018-12-18 04:26:01 UTC  

your own stripe is 2.9% + 30 cents, iirc
unclear to me why anyone bothers with something like patreon

2018-12-18 04:32:13 UTC  

Convenience, what else?

2018-12-18 04:35:38 UTC  


2018-12-18 04:35:44 UTC  

stripe is pretty easy

2018-12-18 04:35:57 UTC  

but also one of the biggest censors

2018-12-18 04:36:21 UTC  

maybe - I think patreon is more aggressive than stripe

2018-12-18 04:38:42 UTC  

Yeah, because Hard Leftys at the Top

2018-12-18 05:14:18 UTC  

Just got banned from a lefty server for linking to this

2018-12-18 05:14:49 UTC  

I'm a hateful bigot for explaining why the alt right is disproportionately gay.

2018-12-18 06:01:47 UTC  

How is that on youtube

2018-12-18 06:02:25 UTC  

Also, is the Alt Right disproportionately gay? Lol

2018-12-18 06:22:59 UTC  

The alt right is gay as fuck, if you count traps. If you don't count traps, you're gay too.

2018-12-18 06:23:46 UTC  

```"Traps will be the spice melange of the ethnostate"
-Richard Spencer.```

2018-12-18 06:23:59 UTC  

So fucking happy this is happening

2018-12-18 06:26:51 UTC  

couple of schizophrenics tbh

2018-12-18 06:30:27 UTC

2018-12-18 06:32:15 UTC  
2018-12-18 12:27:40 UTC