Message from @TichyMooMoo
Discord ID: 264137276232040448
@JoshuaRyanHub - twitter.
Already followed on Twitter and just added you on Gab
Thank you so much. ❤
So sexy King, Loving it.
So how everyone liking GAB?
❤ 100x <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Love 💯
Gab is awesome.... much better than twitter for me.
Rarely use twitter other than to push my gabs to it.
I use Twitter because it is our enemys platform set up for us. "Use a rich man money" kinda way.
That is why I push my gabs there using the gab "share post" feature.
I just notice that couple days ago. I should start.
It's like twitter auto pilot.
I love Gab not one nasty troll yet 😛
Oh I love trolls. i eat them.
Only issue I have encouteres is if you are replying to someone on gab with a twitter account of the same could inadvertantly post to them.
Ha so like as if you did so from Twitter?
This is what happened...
I was replying to someone on gab with the same name.
But alot of people share the same name between the it works well like that. Mostly.
We have a meme channel. Can I just put my bed in there?
What a great place. So cozyyyyy
Absolutely. It is indeed the place for memes.
Not supposed to post them in general.
of course.
I actually just got my twitter account back. They block me and wanted a phone number.
Blocked for what?
Speaking the truth.
I think some muslim/terrorist turned me in.
That is usually what happens