Message from @JAMPOTL
Discord ID: 698509998757511268
Make it so everytime someone mentions pedophile or hebephile it kicks tom
please delete <#678082861697597462>
Make me owner
or co-owner
what happeneed to woof channel?
he fucked it
It got deleted months ago @linbuz b/c it wasn’t active enough, apparently
make it again wtf
Bring back the Battle Dome you greasy Sicilian nigger
bring rat storage
delete <#697934149708808202>
bring back doggy channel
If dogs channel is put up I’ll go through cuckit and go through there to make sure there’s daily content or whatever
>add the dog channel back
Don't want anymore r*ddit in OH than there is.
>dogs are reddit
take your medication
>dogs are reddit
take your medication
Fucking make a poll, then.
big brain
delete <#697934149708808202>
bring back doggy channel
leauge is such a fucking shitty ass game why would it have it own channel
add dog channel back
shut the fuck up Gremling
move league channel up
delete <#697934149708808202>
actually delete the entire vidya section, nobody uses it
@tea fuck you faggot
nitro boosters should get tts
The dog channel got more yeses than no’s add it back kike