Message from @Blackhawk342
Discord ID: 484438543276572682
they dont care what you say unless its not about the ggt
I'm not in the UK atm
I suspect that they arent bad people, but this is propaganda 101
since ths socialists took over here rhings are really gay
Polarize an issue and dehumanize those who dont agree
That's what the left is doing ro anyone against immigration
They arent citizens with reasonable concerns who have seen/experienced bad things because that is an empathetic situation
I don't understand why the meaning of the word refugee has changed
since when does it mean permanent migrant
Instead make them people who hate an entire race or religion which is an irrational belief. Make them uneducated bigots who know exactly what they're doing
There's nothing irrational about hating a religion
Race isn't an inherent set of values and principles
Entirely different things
Then you do the same thing to the middle people and play to their feelings
For example
Have I been blocked
See what Fyre just wrote? Exact same things NAZIS write to defend their actions.
>hating an idea is the same as justifying putting a whole demographic into ovens
No lol
Fyre wrote a statement which i agree with whole heartedly
I think they were sying thats the logic
rhat will be used
Thats correct
to silence political opposition
But that already happens
Doesn't really matter yeah
Yes it does
Like look at the goofy Bill Maher incident
But now imagine that you werent hear for the entire convesation @Beemann
What did Bill do now
The old one
With Sam Harris and Ben Affleck
Like in England discussing lowerint immigration to sensible numbers = WAT, YOU DONT LIKE CURRY THEN? DONT YOU EAT KEBAB?????
That's not so much a Maher incident. lol
Imagine if you just heard "Fyre sounds like a Nazi when talking about islam"