What's gay anymore

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I tried to argue with someone who was saying that Venezuela was economically capitalist and that’s why it failed

And I just couldn’t

Yeah your country belongs to China now

They’re all over the region

They’re even buying property like crazy in America

Yeah they’ll buy up all these places and take over the world

Australia has whole suburbs that are all Chinese you couldn’t even get by speaking English there

Surviving on Hong Kong

I don’t think you could call China communist st this point

It’s just like a weird police state

They scrapped the full commie shit years back

And hk has already been bought there’s nothing they can do

The deals been signed and sealed

It’s already been sold to China, they had an agreement where it becomes China in x years

Now people are protesting as that time comes

But it’s already been sold

I mean it’s just a question of who is willing to go to war to let hk be free

And I’d hazard a guess the answer is no one

Hk doesn’t have its own army, it was never its own country

As far as I care

I think ww3 is going to be against Chinese expansion

But my line is certainly not Hong kong

My line is when they take a country that has its own military

And isn’t basically China already

That’s my line

I’ll start preaching death to China at that point

Better then being commie

We can’t all get what we want

We’ll be like the Jews of today

We should convert to learn their subversion tactics before it’s too late

Someone will arm them

But probably China

The zoos have already been gutted

They sure are

It’s not a fun place

Damn that’s rough, I also learnt the hard way that family shouldn’t book my flights @Xychotic

No one is exempt from that rule

You played yourself


Don’t be *too* gay, you might shoot straight past mod and end up admin

I see women fall for it all the time, men tend to avoid it from the get go from my personal experience

I had the misfortune to show up to an interview for what turned out to be a mlm scheme once, me and 5 other guys walked out the second we keyed on

It’s where you get paid commission and you’ve got to bring people in to work under you and you get paid a portion of their commission or some shit

So you’re always trying to bring more people in then they bring more people in and you’re selling shit tier products on the side of the road

MLM is massive cancer anyone who buys into it sincerely I feel very sorry for

And the ones that make you reinvest into “your” business

God I hate that shit

Hey you’re the one that keeps getting mlm pitches

They set you up as a contractor so they don’t have to pay you properly as well

It’s all super shady

Yeah they hold those huge information nights and shit to try and dazzle ya

The one I went to was setup as a normal interview I thankfully have never been to these big info nights

But they advertise it as like a job expo type thing

So you don’t really know until you’re in and they start

Lol that’d would be even shadier I’d be out in a heartbeat

I guess they just want everyone to leave asap so they’re left with the really desperate people at the end

They target desperate people who need money is what I feel

Practice that amway pitch

I could see an ambitious young guy falling for their pitch to help build your own business if he was naive enough

I wonder how well they’re paid when they’re higher up

You know it’s not going to be good but I wonder

Everyone’s a pyramid scheme so fall for ours <:tard:480186130105630730>

I wonder how the amway cult would react to self actualisation

Let him, who cares what other people think

Wait how long out of highschool is it?

Well it worked at the start because religion stopped them cheating

And social pressure

That’s what they do in bars all the time it’s big gay

I always think they want a bar fight

Well they couldn’t have predicted the tech of today

That’s going to be the same problem any religion has

I’d argue it’s pretty clear tbh

No magic about it it states a few times something akin to women should obey men and what not

And men should provide

As time passes and society progresses any faith based religion loses its sway imo

You just can’t help it

Well in ye olden days it was abundantly clear women can’t support themselves

Well men will see the opportunity to use giving women rights as a tool to gain power for themselves when society progresses far enough that they can

Even if you enshrine that women shall not possess rights when enough time passes they’ll call it archaic and take that away

I just think the base problem is humanity and there’s nothing you can do without some form of selection

Implement gender quotas and were just as employable as men!

Wait now you also need to pay us the same it’s only fair

That’s where we had to stop this imo, just say baseline you get paid what you’re worth

And never budge

Apologies for listing Taiwan as a country that can’t be real...

If only you could

Well they’re not really communist anymore

If they were still commies they would be starving and it’d be Gucci

Also what did the nba do?

A “communist” country

Economically they’re fine though since that isn’t

So they won’t starve or suffer from any commie shit

They’re more one party police state

The Chinese are used to having shit now though so I doubt they’ll transition to more commie stuff

Fair enough, just in practice they aren’t really that commie anymore

So unfortunately won’t starve

I mean when you think traditionally of what a communist is China is lacking completely

They spend far less on gov expenditure then the US

and class doesn’t even factor into their shit just nation

If the west crashes is a whole other situation entirely though

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