
Discord ID: 546085507311075330

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What in fucks name did I just walk into?

I thought I was gonna sleep, but I think this is more interesting

@HIT0SHI Gimme! <:woah:501543165396779008>


Did the little fucker go missing?


Same thing tbh

Toodles <:tellmemore:532084430664105994>

Short story: I once had a bud in 4th grade with me on the swings in recess tell a tard I loved her. For the next week of recesses, she would chase me screaming she was going to have kids with me, named Bob and (myname) Junior. She then proceeded to low key obsess over me until 6th grade. <:letsdie:511757414467633172>


@KenneticEnergy I'm glad a 10 year old didn't fuck a downie on the playground too. <:youwotm8:524083191833952257>


2019-12-13 03:27:51 UTC [Wolkenheim #general]  

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