Yuri AsFoxger

Discord ID: 346618213070667776

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Guys. I added Raging Golden Eagle's torrent by Hermit to my torrent client

0 seeds

what the fuck is happening

okay, I can't send the link, but it's from the Happy Humble Hermit

a few months ago he made some kind of project "MGTOW Archive"

it's basically gathering MGTOW youtubers's videos in torrents

Why do I get the feeling that this may be towards me?

sorry RePo, I misunderstood your sentence

I have issues trusting people, don't worry


Hermit once upon a time made a video about MGTOW Archive

he gathered MGTOW videos from several high profile users

and turned them into several torrrents, each torrent was a collection of one user's videos


@GingerSnaps where do I find it

big thank you to both of you

take care and have a nice day

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