How To Alpha Male

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or if they actually have spines and things are gonna get heated


not yet

to my understanding

it's still just "proposed"

they angry

they are tired of people "proposing" to step on gun rights

look guys, i honestly don't know what will happen

but some of those guys aren't joking when they say they will go to war

some of those guys are real

and i know we all shit talk

but if this anti gun stuff keeps going, it's possible there will be a domestic terror group within the decaded

and if that happens, shit gonna get real bad

think of it like this

terror group rises

terror group rises > government cracks down on gun laws even more > more people become terrorists > government cracks down on guns EVEN MORE @huluxer71 you see the issue here?

god forbid if a real pro 2a terror organization rises, things will get bad in a hurry

its civil war accelerationism on crack

@Sh0t they can't stop alqueda or the taliban

no, a terror group would be devastating to the US

@Sh0t you can't stop a terror group if they people they hide in support them, you just can't

@Sh0t idk man, the left won't but allotta people are very fed up with gun laws, very fed up

all of them




you guys don't think that if a terror group where to rise now, pro2a people wouldn't support them? cause i think they would

@Sh0t government comes into your house, looking for your guns, looking for terrorists, no warrant, no judge or jury, no rights, thousands of american citizens going to gitmo indefinately for suspicion of being a terrorist, i can't speak for you, but i think that people would support the terrorists, i think they really would

i'm not saying we are close to civil war, but i think we are closer to a domestic terror group being created on us soil then we think, and that's scary

@huluxer71 i don't know who "we" are, i'm not involved, i support no one, but shit would get bad man

it would get bad quick

they ain't popular where i'm standing

but then again, idk

any of them

gun laws aren't popular with anyone except liberals and fudds

in my opinion, in the next 50 years a terror group might rise, and when they start actually shooting at cops and soldiers, then that will be with people with either support the 2a, or let it die, what do you guys think?

i think that it's possible a terror group might start, and when they put their money where their mouth is, and actually start defending the 2a, that's when your going to see some serious fracturing in this country, that's when shit will get real

what do you boys think? @huluxer71 @Sh0t


i hate that idea, but that's the way i think it will go

yea, i think that might happen someday

and it will probably start with a red flag law

some cops try to red flag some guys guns and people actually start shooting back

that's how i think it will start

@Sh0t are you on weekend gunnit?

and yes, that's exactly what i am saying, i think that if things keep going the way they are going, military veteran domestic terrorists, who support the 2a, will shoot at military veteran police officers, that's what i think MIGHT happen someday, @Sh0t

i know it seems crazy, but i think it's possible

not that it's GOING to happen, but i think it might

@Sh0t so you think that the 2a guys are just pussies who will never do anything?

i can understand why you think that

@Sh0t you don't think that they will snap and do something when finally pushed to far?

i think that you are dramatically underestimating how crazy some people are

listen to me man, god forbid a terror group where to form, but if they were to attack, and make it look like they are defending their guns (like in a red flag law raid) that would be a lightning rod to hundred even THOUSANDS of other domestic terror groups to form, i'm telling you man, you would go from 1 domestic terror group to hundreds overnight,

it would be bad bro, @Sh0t

there are alot of angry people out there looking for inspiration



@Sh0t the moment the government cracks down on those terrorists, they prove the terrorists point, they prove the arguement they have been making their entire lives, that "the government has become tyrannical and we must rise against it"

@Sh0t i hope your right, but i don't think you are, i hope that they don't have a spine, i hope they don't do anything, i hope that nothing happens, but man, if it does, things aren't looking good

and you think they are just going to quietly into the night?

i don't

i think sooner or later, they are going to fight, and fight hard

and i hope i'm wrong

@Sh0t i hear you, but i do think their are groups out their, particularly in Virginia, who not only will take the government on, but will enjoy every minute of it, i think some guys out their are prepared, and will lay down their lives to protect their guns, but i hope i'm wrong

@Sh0t have you seen some of these guys? they make bombs at home for fun, they live in a cabin in the woods, they booby trap their own house for giggles,

they have no family, no friends, a job and their guns is the only thing they have, and they hate, hate with a capital H, the government,

there are people out their like that, and they are just waiting, waiting and watching bro, and i hope it never happens but they are waiting for that moment,

and i think you understand that there are people out their like that individually, but yes, i do believe that their are groups, that their are groups of people who pretty much have nothing but their hopes to take on the government,

it scares me, i hope i'm wrong but i think they are out their. @Sh0t


maybe i shouldn't worry

but still bro

waco happened

then timothy mcveigh

not good


after ruby ridge, waco, and the bombing, the american militia movement kicked off


no not civil war

not right now

but a terror group? yeah i could see that happening bro

listen, if a terror group got off the ground what happens?

they rally more people to their cause

THAT'S the scary part


and victory in afganistan

we did

didn't work then

won't work now

how do you fight a guerrilla war man?

they hide among the sympathies of the people

if the people have had enough of the government then bad shit will happen amn

at the end of the day, it's scary out their

i wish for peace

i hope for peace

not in the habit of winning much either

and do you think that vietnam can't happen here?

because my whole point is: it can,

and that's whats scary

the possibility of a pro2a domestic terror organization rising and gaining enough support on U.S. soil to start a 2nd civil war @Alexstrasza

@huluxer71 this guy says it can't happen,

i say it could

what the hell is boomerwaffen?

these guys aren't giving up


they want it, they want it way more then we do

they sleep in the dirt

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