not here to buy ur mabi acc2k0-0

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females arent inherit cheaters, and divorce rapists yes they divorce rape but its not biologically inherited, but the result of men treatingwomen like gems for centuries going to war protecting them for their value which they used to exchange in honesty and dedication, i mean if one clearly sees the line from the 40's to now its gotten worse which means it was better, my question or more like my statement is women have been conditioned and now glorify thottery, societal conditioning and absent parenting skills, aswell as the need for instant gratification and access to any person through the internet clearly had an effect, ive been looking at red pill content for years and i used to be mgtow and i used to resented women for a while, which i would call the rage stage after which i accepted, but ive learned that men today cant communicate with women the way a man does, i was drawn from mgtow when i saw zan perrions work, i am not mgtow because its become common to hate women for what weve allowed a first world majority to become, it is not the same in asian countries i would say, because those values of traditionalism and conservatism shown by the very rare few white conservative women are common there, women know their role and dont act like men or demand a system that leads to inevitable chaos zan perrion the guy from the alabaster girl book shows that feminism has tried to remove the sexual polarity between men and women women being more like men and men like women as liberal retardation spreads, i suggest that having a cult and sleeping around wont really solve the issues with male to female interaction,

and saying youre happy with having no actual healthy interaction with women is self sabotage, now ive learned a man can distinguish women there are fine examples of women actually being nice decent and level headed which if i said to myself a year ago id slap myself pretty hard but take shoe on head for instance, i initially didnt think women were funny and i was disproven, now does that mean you should be an orbiter and bow down to political correctness hell nah, the majority of women today have zero healthy relationship traits, they get everything marriage and love gives in technology , attention from instagram snapchap. love from the currency that is sex, and having men that act like females because they think it will get them anywhere makes the next generation potentially worse, yes women cheat, but im torn between two ideas

sorry lads but i need some rational minds to help me out here

ill continue with the wall it wont hit as hard as the wall hits middle aged women but

well essentially i believe that the nawalt isnt completely retarded to believe in

if you look at the fact that women were better, isnt it safe to assume they got worse

if so what are the traits of an acceptable and decent female, today who knows but

nah i believed that women today pose a problem to future men not only because of the feminisation and the idea that they should work in the jobs men work i mean what if they impose laws and legislation that forces half of a company to be women, that would significantly effect the wellbeing of the economy that thrives on hardworking men that biologically are better at maths and running the scheme of things but, the whole whore culture is praised i realise that so i was awalt but then i realised

that there are a slight minority of conservative women

so where do they fall on the spectrum

i understand systems are in place to screw us like family courts, and that women have benifits of being treated like a lady when she wants for benifits etc, we are 75 percent of suicide we are the majority of depressed we are 95% of war deaths and 90% of work deaths we work harder longer more dangerous jobs were screwed we dont graduate yet we are the ones making the big money after school even with all the graduation odds against us, more women in college etc so we kind of seem like we have it worse yet somehow were making it in life, we age like wine and women like milk we gain value in finances and women on the sexual market place lose value i understand these concepts and they show that women have been treated specially because they are the valuable baby factories of our future, now they want the same rigths without forging it themself so we just give and give which caused this whole first world country entitled whore syndrome disease but are there not conditions for a good woman, can they not be conditioned to be good

by systems in the same manner they have been conditioned by society and gratifications to have no personality at all

the walls are needed to bring my point across

i need to talk to thinkers

brilliant response

what i mean there is

i believed that women were biologically built to be hypergamous

and that its inherited

but then i considered

the hypothesis that its inforced by long terms of societal conditioning and the removal of all the conservative healthy systems like good schools the family unit, etcc

apologies for errors im not english

but i do believe that all women have the potential to be great if they are raised by their father with values

i dont hate or belittle their existence but i will not be a nice orbiter either, i will never sign a marriage contract

i will have a trust fund and i will have the boss pay a company that i own so that i cannot be screwed on child support

they cannot achieve what we can

put them in a ring of mma fighters

of mma fighters and it becomes self evident

great in the sense of a great woman or man

a great man is a man that has the ability to control himself, work hard on his ambitions, and live free from modern societal slavery be it physically in the work environment

or in the thoughts of the mind

a great woman is a woman that nurtures loves and understands her weaknesses and temptations, remains faithful and contributes to the family unit and the health of kids

i honestly suggest zan perrion

it was a hard pill to swallow at first because its sort of a step back but you learn about yourself and how sexual polarity has been destroyed

i dont think that they are biologically hardwired to cuck

that has no evidence

yes they cuck but why

that is purely societal

but they are hardwired by their environment

and the change it brings on the individual

an example is the progression from decent women to whores from the 40's up to now

the environment is the idea

that women should be treated with benefits

which is retarded

let me simplify it

take a kid tell him dont take the cookies from the cookie jar in 2 homes

have one parent punish the kid and the other ignore it

the lack of societal discipline

that form character and the understanding of objective morals lacking in society is directly corelated to the downfall of the modern woman and the rise of her ego

technically they are being allowe

the dating life in modern times is worse because women have access to men theycan easily schedule a date and cheat which creates a society that runs on those conditions it becomes norm

and then morals are

where in the past women had the conditions that generated faithfulness like having to write a letter and waiting patiently for a week to get a response

you cant for society

but you can for yourself

and for your family

and understanding the difference

between the women

who are filled with this toxic effect society has placed on them and women who actually know how to think for instance pro gun conservative pro trump women, they have a higher chance of being normal

you would have to understand yourself and how to interact and intuitively understand the negative traits of women, you can look at their ideological and philosophical positions even their political view and

that will help you to get to the best option

now from there i would say learn from zan perrion to see how to understand the need of masculinity

one creates a society that perceives one or the other as a special,and superior falsely and the other as a slave, in our case we are slaving to uphold a system that modern women are ungrateful for, there cant be equality until women colonize a planet for themselves, were already better at that but back to my point all you have to do is tell an entire genderthey are invinsible and valueabe which is what we did to women and there you go, women free themselves from home where they raised kids

now theyre unhappy

the spelling errors

i would put women on one side of earth men on the other both work to uphold their side, in the middle of the sides you have an entire circular divide line that in the middle all around you have the home, you have an intercontinental rocket traveling system both men and women work, then fly courtecy of government to the middle where the houses are, thanks to lil Musk, in this fictional reality women would only need about 50 years to realise their currency wont be worth their value in garbage

that is the only way to help an entire planet of women realise they cant do stonks

or have them watch bear grylls where women and men split up, ot only took a bit for women to negotiate for the men to hunt for their food lol

thanks forthe insight lads im off

i have to rebuttle

well technically the feminine women

would actually survive first coz theyd trade sex for security from the men on the other half

reverse reverse physchology

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