Flame of truth Eros

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I see

@Mr.Black when you say spirit what do you mean

@ManOWar so that means you gave up? Lol

It’s a joke, but basically because their is no way to be a 100% sure , you have given up findin truths such as religion, and will focus on what you can prove 100% am I right?

Hmmm so agnostic is a type of atheist?

So you are atheist but if you see proof you will change?

@Mr.Black I get it now

I just can’t be an atheist , dna is too complicated , babies are born inside other humans, we live on a earth spinning on nothing, something’s going on at least we can agree on that much

@Mr.Black that makes sense

@ManOWar so what do you think about the beginning of the world, random?

@ManOWar but don’t scientist believe something was always here too?

@ManOWar if it’s too personal sorry don’t worry about it

@Mr.Black how does multiverse work?

@ManOWar ok we don’t even have to talk about it bro , u just gotta let me know when I reach a sore spot and I’ll stop

Today I was just feeling philosophical lol

@ManOWar please do I’m not trying to be annoying

@Mr.Black but what is the beginning of that theory like how did it start , the universes I mean

No I mean multiverse

@Mr.Black so it’s safe to say it grew from one to many?

Is the general theory?

What a shame I thought their was answers

@ManOWar she’s your crush?

Wait quick question does anyone know about vola or anon-ib

A trick question but if you know you know

@ManOWar all I needed to hear

@Mr.Black yea but if their are no answers I can’t follow, that’s why I’m against science, they change their minds on everything, I’m more into practical sciences

@Cat Wizard is that the truth

@Mr.Black yea so I guess when it comes to science I’m gnostic? Lol

@Cat Wizard I’m going to start assuming people I don’t find attractive are trannies lol

To play it safe lol

Lol haha

@ManOWar why even put the link without explaining

And why do you keep saying she @Cat Wizard

My bad I mean pvt

@Mr.Black wait what?

@ManOWar so you are gay?

@ManOWar well , don’t confuse me , a man is a man a woman is a woman , you saying that almost seems as a way to say your straight

@Mr.Black no explain the nothing until observed thing

@Mr.Black ok I will stop my line of questioning

@ManOWar so you are a leftist?

I’m honestly just asking questions my bad

@Mr.Black so in theory everything could exist if it was witnessed? Is what your saying

@Cat Wizard but real girlishness cant be faked and isn’t synthetic

@Mr.Black 🤯🤯🤯

@Mr.Black But isn’t that circular reasoning?

So if you could see it it would exist is what your saying , but if you can’t see it then it won’t exist?

@Mr.Black right, so in what sense do you mean seeing?

@YuriBezmenov yes in a practical way I don’t see the veracity of it , but I guess in theory it makes sense

@ResolvingParadox13 if you know then enlighten us

@Mr.Black but they work in real life right?

Logic is only understanding what is happening

Ah that is the theme of today , nobody knows lol

Lol ahaha

But how can you make a theory on something you don’t know?

@haku. haven’t met you nice to meet you

@Mr.Black lol really?

@Mr.Black oh I heard about that in a mgtow vid lol

@Mr.Black ah so theories are pointless? I see

@YuriBezmenov what good is an explanation that can’t be proven to be true

@Mr.Black wait then why make a leap of faith forward , and not just work on what’s already known and slowly build forward ,

@YuriBezmenov my translation = we needed newton to be wrong so Einstein could be right lol

I thought science was proving things not guessing

What’s the science called that proves things

@Mr.Black but you can feel heat?

Without touching anything

Ok so theories don’t use this method?

Fine I’ll watch it

Ok so scientific method is about guessing and primarily focuses on proving something wrong and something can’t be proven wrong it’s said to be right

I see and that why theirs so many theories

I’m tired man don’t make me watch anymore lol

Wait so in essence gravity is a theory because it’s proven wrong in some instances? Or am I missing something of why it’s still a theory?

I see

@YuriBezmenov Lol that’s what u all are for too simplify convoluted teachings so I can expand my iq

@Xychotic so gravity is essentially I type of energy,?

So in theory with enough power one could break gravity

@YuriBezmenov I’ll contribute I’m not no bitch lol

@Xychotic lol no I meant in a more grander sense

Before I leave thoughts on current societal conditions , women and what each of u have chosen to do about it?

@Xychotic I heard the speed of light isn’t the speed of light because the speed of light can be sped up artificialy

Really I swear I heard someone say in tests in a lab they sped it up but my bad

I’ve heard that name before but the meaning is lost on me

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