
Discord ID: 200705920936837122

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2016-10-11 18:48:28 UTC [/csg/ #chink-shit-general]  

herro nigs


2019-01-05 20:21:44 UTC [Freedomฯ†Club #memes]


need to find an Italian wife

tfw I1 BVLL

wow rude

I-I don't even know the subtypes...

fooled you. I'm actually a ROMA BVLL

It doesn't really mean anything

But I guess they're cool to learn about

want me to pull my I1 cock out of your mouth? <:hecute:440665948186476556>

can't understand what you're saying

That's what I was saying

Just in a more poorly phrased manner

Yes <:pepo:429351082351919117>

Why is R1B so common in Turkmenistan

>Political Juice

based and redpilled

20 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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