Lars Steffensen

Discord ID: 137307085279854592

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Which would go a long way to explain why they dont have it.

Well- SA was mostly empty before the Boers went there...

I just finding hard to accept the idea that we somehow should think that there are no differences in mental ability. It makes no sense in any way.

And language devellopment might be a good way to illustrate the basic developmental steps.

Yeah. Specifically genes that can tilt the balance more towards planned behavior....

Language might actually be a necessary integral part of planning.

Or more broadly symbolic representation, that would give you a talent for language.

This is why the data on primitive languages would be interesting: You can then model the level of capacity for planned behavior on the level of abstraction of language.

For sure: The selection part of that evolution might simply be harsh winters.

Yeah. Might be something that is a bit like physical training: Exertion + reconstitution = gain

Sadly there is not a lot of research into this. It is all but banned in academia now.

Research on impulse control is not controlled as much

partly because impulse control is very obviously a clinical target for a lot of mental health problems

at maturation point for prefrontal cortex theen....

Sweden lost interest in invading other countries after the bad experiences with invading England

I was actually surprised when I discovered that it was not like that in London

There a lot of things that you dont question about the place where you grow up

I dont understand the business side of what you do

so you are doing it for the group, but not for much payu

My parrents are from here, but father used to work for the US army

they settled in Denmark, but they never became 100% daninsh again

So im 100 % danish by genetics, but not a lot by culture

The best conservative warriors are ex-lefties!

I forget how I found him, but there was some top-ten-clips that won me over

Sometimes a different perspective can free up your thinking

It is strange how we often try to stay clear of change agents

Jesse: You are a smart woman. I can tell by looking at you.

Lady: Youre a smart man. I can tell by looking at you.

I was just going to say that im fresh out of racist jokes, but I have few homophobic ones...

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