
Discord ID: 117818826434805762

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2018-07-13 21:41:37 UTC [Compfy California #vetting]  

2018-07-13 21:51:53 UTC [Compfy California #vetting]  

1. 20 Male
2. Bay Area
3. Immigration and loss of American principles.
4. Too much coming from both sides to be able to discern how the future will look. Although better border security and the new SCOTUS pick are in a good direction.
5. Remind others that they are responsible for themselves and that when someone is in a bad situation, it is because of their own actions and not the fault of anyone else.

2018-07-13 21:54:07 UTC [Compfy California #vetting]  

CA /k/ discord sever.


Bay Area California. I'm a fan of equality of opportunity, not outcome. We all have the same chances in life.

Against social programs essentially

Compfy California

Alright cool.

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