Monstrous Moonshine

Discord ID: 234573903677095936

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>Has half a million subs, posts welding and car videos usually

Far-left terrorist armed with rifle throws firebombs at ICE facility in Tacoma Washington, gets shot by police. Zero coverage outside local media.

When ICE shows up at an illegal's door

rAcE iS oNlY sKiN dEeP

A ray of hope

It's much more than that

He is pushing the Overton Window with this rhetoric

This will allow more White Nationalists and Paelocons in general to express themselves freely without caring for media labels

Among the Republican Party that is

They can take the illegals to Israel

Liberal Professor (specializes in behavioral sciences for the past 40 years, and studying Google for the past 6.5 years) who voted for Hillary Clinton and is a public supporter testifies that 2.6M to 10.4M votes were pushed towards Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election by Google.

He estimates at least 15M votes will be moved towards the democrats in 2020 through the bias seen on Google / Twitter, using shady search engine results, auto-fill answers and other subliminal techniques to brainwash voters (go vote reminders only to democrat leaning users).

"In 2020, you can bet that all of these companies are gonna go all out, and the methods that they are using are invisible, they are subliminal, they are more powerful than any effect that I've ever seen in behavioral sciences in 40 years. (at 3:06 in the video)"

They literally have a document titled 'Good Censor', in which they explain a balancing act between "American tradition of Free Speech vs European tradition of civility"

And go on to celebrate that they have been successful in stifling Free Speech for more "civility"

Democracy and Nation states are incompatible with absolute Free Markets

tHeRe iS nO lEfTisT aGeNdA iN aNy cOmPaNy

Still strange how it coincides with #SendHerBack

AFAIK this phenomena in comics is called Comicsgate

Based cartoons

The recent rhetoric by President Trump has enabled other people to speak more freely against modern day degeneracy

"Pedophile male pretending to be a female, calls salon owner neo nazi and suing the salon for refusing to wax his balls" - 2019

Hawley gets blasted on Twitter

Dr. Shekel and Mr. Hyde

Penn Law prof Amy Wax claims America is 'better off with more whites and fewer nonwhites'

Based Jew

The 88 replies are just poetic

Anti White Nationalism denies Whites their right to self determination. That is Anti White Discrimination.

First they came for the alt-right and I said nothing because I was not alt-right, then they came for the alt-right and I said nothing because I was not alt-right, then they came for the alt-right and I said nothing because I was not alt-right, then they came for me and called me alt-right because there was nobody to the right of me.

I'm a FREN

Far Right Ethno Nationalist

HUGE : Current Google senior engineer goes public, claims Google is heavily politically biased by design

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