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China is staging for war with the United States; the Vatican and the Knights of Malta will sell our America. The Vatican wants to cotrol AI from its soon to be new seat in Jerusalem. Imaging a new Vatican inquisition with the power of AI behind it.

Good chat!

Thank you

Info is free if you make is so

I'd be happy to come back when I can

Well thank you

I've been hunting who's behind all this for some time


Would be happy to help when and how I can

Pm me if you wish; I like questions about this stuff

Haha thanks

Listening to me huff and puff

The United States is being isolated

We are being led into a war, and the trap is being laid out perfectly for when we enter

Getting a little heated, we should tone it down. We shouldn't be at each other's throats HERE

@dumpster may I answer that question about technology

In order from left to right: the Jesuit pope, the jesuits intelligence agency, the Knights of Malta; the Knights of Malta controlled intelligence agencies (CIA, NSA); Israel and china

Vril and Thule society

Scythian royal bloodlines

The Bible was commissioned and approved by a Freemason king before it was papal approved. King James became a Freemason in 1601, ten years before the King James Version was written

Christianity is left, Islam is right, Judaism is the center: run a scale between all three...they exist as similar versions of the same religion; all controlled, today, by the Vatican, and the jesuits

Eric prince and blackwater

Blackwater is a Rothschild secret military

Watch this one

Americans Are Unprepared for a Nuclear Attack - POLITICO

Trump administration moves to block victims of gang violence, domestic abuse from claiming asylum - Los Angeles Times

Reason for the "active shooter" today

Trump administration moves to block victims of gang violence, domestic abuse from claiming asylum - Los Angeles Times

Crap I missed that ine

This happened during bulderberg and g7

@Fremp maybe Obama is finally setting up to become the Secretary General of the UN

@Luchadora I hope you're right; he's a war criminal amongst many other things

@Luchadora It'll be a hell of a day if he does become Secretary General...hell I'd call back my ex who broke up with me because I said he might do that, and that was early 2015 lol

Check that out:)

Go check CIA Crest archives for the document I took a screenshot of

All those patents are in the public domain; if you google just the patent number; you'll find what I'm showing.

I'll make sure to bring a link so it's easier to find though

@dumpster also, nice to meet you too!

Thanks for the talks everyone; whoever I did get to talk to. Sometime hard to keep up with who's talking exactly

@dumpster that's a document I've been working on. There are links included inside the document. Sharing it from my drive accounts

@dumpster Tesla sure did. I still hold to my claim that tesla became too military secret #1

@dumpster here is the link to my drive again, it's 20 pages of suppressed tech I've found. https://docs.google.com/document/d/12YQWRxtRPlIpqJDoaR9vz-LGM22HNUOGT_k4EtOGrkE


Speaking of Vegas actually...

I've been in the military, and randomly have asked several cops and ex military...not a single one denied the fact that there DEFINITLY looks like a shooter IN the crowd

I agree with them

@R1V37H34D I agree that attack helicopters have a high probability of being used at Vegas

@silowetr what exactly would you like me to look up in england? Sorry, there's so much going in, it's hard to narrow down these days

@silowetr several things going on there. Tommy was trying to expose the Islamic rape gangs there. I somewhat feel this is a disingenuous battle he's fighting; because he's never mentioned Jimmy Savile; and his connections to child rape, child trafficking, and the royal family. Tommy is also a Zionist: so inherently that means he's pro Rothschild. This movement to free him: imo; is a successful attempt to reignite nationalism, right before the collapse of nations. Austria just emboldened that cause by closing mosques and expelling their mostly Turkish imams.

The big picture is that this is one giant psyop to get people on the streets: serves several purposes

Mainly: it draws all the dissidents out into the open; and enlists them in the wars the elites are manufacturing

@gavin giant I do, very deeply

@gavin giant I've been hunting the NWO and its apparatus for the better part of a decade since I went to Afghanistan

He is a Zionist yes

Listen to his own words

He's A pawn in a bigger system

That might be a better video

Well here's my stance on Zionism: it's a Vatican owned and controlled political movement: financed by the vaticans Knights of Malta. Historically, for the last 500 years, the source of all antisemitism has come from the Vatican. So: the Jewish people will be the greatest victims of Zionism, not its greatest benefactor

So, to support Zionism isn't the same as supporting the Jewish people

@dumpster exactly. Khazarian royal families; a mixture of Edomite and Scythian bloodlines, combined with the esoteric beliefs of ancient babylon

@gavin giant Islam is a version of Judaism; so you can't say they hate Jews. The first few pages of the Quran are directed at Israel. Islam is the left of Judaism, Christianity the right side of Judaism. The jesuits "shield their allies with the so called Star of David, and being the sword of Islam against its enemies"

I like heavy discussions:)

@Luchadora but Islam has never persecuted any religious group more than polytheists. Look into the many genocides and invasions of India by Islam from 700-1000ad. Islam has verses that make room for Jews and christians; because they all essentially serve the same deity; just different versions.

@SpicyPhenomAnon it means no worries!!! Lol

And the black nobility and Council of 300 descend from ancient Roman banking families

@Luchadora I think you're wrong on Islam. Islam isn't a religion of peace. It's an indefensible religion. But Islam does trace its roots to Abraham. All three are abrahamic faiths. Islam is said to come from Ishmael

The British royal family, andthere for the rothschilds, control Islam through Saudi Arabia...whatever version we have of Christianity, Judaism and Islam...they have ALL been corrupted by the cabal

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