๐ŸŽƒ Spookmaster Jaqula ๐ŸŽƒ

Discord ID: 482991778966798349

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We have things to measure waves sent into the earth

You can demonstrate gas pressure without a container yes

The centre is in the centre

What do you mean

Gas pressure is all around us

I can prove it with almost any object

How do you want me to prove gas pressure in a vacuum?

It's why I questioned it there is no gas pressure in a vacuum

It's a vacuum

That's not gas pressure though is it

That's gas

Over a universe span that pressure is negligible

Like a balloon

No I constantly leaks

Yes but rediculously far in the future

You're completely safe

We've had an atmosphere for billions of years trust me you're safe for a bit longer

Yes from co2

Do you know how photosynthesis works

Carbon dating

Carbon 14 decay

@Deleted User I've seen the image and made points against it anything else?

Carbon dating wasn't made by humans

It was discovered as a way to see how old things are

Carbon dating was discovered as a method we didn't make carbon 14 put it into things and then start saying it was 4 billion years old

This man discovered that if we test it in a specific way we can see how old it is

I'd like to also point out that it mostly works for living organisms there are other methods for things like rocks I apologise for my mistake there

He invented the method

If I made a new theory and it was proven I would be called the inventor of the theory but I didn't create anything new I just created a new way to look at it

I can't it's 2:41 am here everyone is sleeping


Oof you getting banned

@Deleted User yes the atmosphere

Yes as you asked a demonstration of pressure without a container

But it's not one

Container with the top removed

You mean not a container

Congrats @Deleted User that's our point

It's proving that gas leaks but you know a miniscule amount

If I put air in a balloon it's contained but it leaks

Because it's a huge container and it moves

we've given proof

You've had at least two proofs

From two people

Look gas pressure exists with or without a physical container

Forces can influence things too

What do you mean prove it

Me and omega have

Videos and all

And texts

You also realize that the vacuum of space is not a perfect vacuum

Nearly but it isnt

Cali your demonstration is all of physics

What experiment you can see it

Proof has been infront of your eyes for so long you might want an eye test

Well it is in a container

Not a solid one though

That's my point

I have returned

So what we talking about in ye good old lounge right now

I'm an alien

An illegal one

Where from


To this place


What is this^

Well that was sudden

The earth is a ball spinning at approximately 1000 miles per hour

As clear as day and night literally @1144oli

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