
Discord ID: 528410986261119016

11 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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2019-09-25 00:13:22 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

wow there are so many roles

2019-09-25 00:13:43 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

tbh, i dont know why im here

2019-09-25 00:14:14 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-09-25 00:21:27 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-09-25 00:21:46 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

oh trump :l

2019-09-25 00:21:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

i gave up trying to understand his gibberish.

2019-09-25 00:22:22 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

well still

2019-09-25 00:30:58 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-09-26 15:36:49 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-09-26 15:43:12 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

so how many of you believe the earth is flat?

2019-09-26 15:44:20 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

well i would just like to understand why **you** think its flat.

11 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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