
Discord ID: 624358210798616586

16 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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2019-09-20 05:40:18 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I watch all the videos

2019-09-20 05:40:23 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-09-20 05:40:31 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-09-21 21:31:10 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I want to make a game where youre a rat with night vision. Trying to get the cheese in the middle of the night.

2019-09-21 21:31:30 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-09-21 21:31:41 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-09-21 21:32:10 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

What's upcat

2019-09-21 21:32:42 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Chilling in the beach in mexico

2019-09-27 00:41:07 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Hey so what ever happened with the area 51 raid?

2019-09-27 00:41:33 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

O how uncool

2019-09-27 00:42:45 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Chilling. Im hella depressed today. One of my childhood friends had their memorial service today. I missed it.

2019-09-27 00:43:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-09-27 00:43:18 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

She was an amazing person

2019-09-27 00:43:56 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

We got into sooo much trouble together as kids

2019-09-27 00:44:43 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

She died in jail... im not sure what happened

2019-09-27 00:45:37 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Bye pajeet

16 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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