Pinson Patriot

Discord ID: 435897476285726721

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4.1%. GDP. in this second winning

The Untouchables are Untouchable no more......

Agreeing in prayer daily for Potus and the freedom movement. Light WILL defeat darkness......

I'm watching the movie NONSTOP. I have seen this Q several times on board this plane.

The LAST thing the MSM wants is an educated public.......

Obama is EAGER to get involved and we Patriots are EAGER to see him hanging for treason..... Most informative video ever...Wow

With Socialism and communism, only the Elite end up with the wealth and food.....

Stop 5G and the massive health problems associated with it.... FREE Speech 13798....ANY banning of speech is illegal....

The CIA has medled in every election on the planet....Don't be fooled...

๐Ÿ˜‚ The world is about to change...Q

What???? The Queen's Dr. Killed in a CYCLING accident???? How Convenient!!!!!


Rod Rosenstein and wife Lisa Barsoomian.....A family that commits treason together, hangs together......

[RR] and [LB]. A couple that comimits Treason together, Hangs together..... PROTESTERS CAUGHT BEING PAID

We need COURAGE from those about to prosecute the Deep state...NO MERCY

@JonJonObamas entire administration should be in GITMO...PURE EVIL.

I wish the Aliens would cut it out...We don't go Harrass their planet...

Here is the reason the Russians fired on the Ukrainian ships. They were stopping WW3. Also the reason POTUS got back to the White House so fast....Some serious crap going on....

Put the damn whistle blowers under military protection.

Here is a REAL Patriot....

Here is a REAL Patriot...๐Ÿ˜‚

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