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I have heard nothing on this channel or on MSM about the above reports. I think that we are all too busy to even read. That's my problem.

@Ark of Info [GER] I thought they were new

my two favorites from PercysTwits

@Smiley made me laugh out loud and i am alone in my office. thanks

And the big winner is......California!

@romotec can you attach a link to the above. I am lazy!

I just wanted to read the story so I looked it up myself. Yours was not a link to open

@romotec yes you did. Thanks good article. They are soooooooo bad.

@Outcast That story about the baby makes me feel ill!

@Outcast I am hoping that it is FAKE NEWS

@RoguePatriot This is really unbelievable!

@Nukklez! This audio of Blue Eyes is Fabulous, do you know Abbey?

@Grey Anon Take a listen to Nikk3-k's audio above 11:17 Where we go One We Go All by Abbey Cook. I think it is fabulous.

@Nukklez! Thanks for the info

@Grey Anon go team you are awesome

thanks for the memes @romotec

I feel like I have been drinking out of that preverbial fire hose this week. Need the weekend to catch up from what I received from you guys this afternoon. Thank you all.

did u paint this?

it's very awesome

with added Q's

Former PM of the UK

Former PM for Canada

Paul Martin

Nicolas Sarkozy

Former President of France

Patrick Howley the Owner of Big League Politics is on Ladies of Liberty right now.

If you are interested we have Barbara Flynn as a guest on the Ladies of Liberty on PSB

Yes seriously she will be on until 5pm

right now

yes 3-5PM EST


This was a brand new plane just delivered in November 2018

Ethiopian Airlines has been expanding assertively, recently opening a route to Moscow and in January inaugurating anew passenger terminal in Addis Ababa to triple capacity

Sundays's crash comes as the country's reformist prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, has vowed to open up the airline and other sectors to foreign investment in a major transformation of the state-centered economy.

Of course, it was a brand new Boeing

Good morning Patriots: A request - I have lost my list of Republicans who voted against our President on the Emergency at the Border. Does anyone out there still have the list???

You are the best @Majes thank you so much. Best Patriots on the planet!!

@dumpster can you give us a link to the first page please


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